VAC Renaissance 140 User Manual

Page 6

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The Renaissance One-Forty is double boxed for the greatest possible protection during shipping. Tubes are
packed individually to prevent damage, and must be fitted to the amplifier before installation can proceed.

Each tube socket is covered by a small round sticker. On this sticker is a number that corresponds to a
numbered sticker on each tube. Fit each tube into the matching socket, first removing
the sticker from the
amplifier and the tube. No bias level adjustment is required. When inserting and removing tubes, handle them
by their bases, not by their glass bulbs. Please note that there is a locator pin on the octal (eight contact) tubes
that indicates proper alignment. For the 300B tubes, two pins are of larger diameter - the tube will only fit into
the socket one way.



Provide adequate ventilation - allow at least 3 inches above and to each side.


Do not place in a completely enclosed cabinet. Do not stack other equipment on top of the VAC unit.


Do not operate on carpet or any other surface that might block air flow.


The chassis will become hot in normal use.


Do not allow the chassis to touch any metal parts, such as the frame of an equipment rack. This might
create a parallel ground path that will degrade the sound of your system.


Input connection is via single ended RCA jacks. Speaker connection is via 11 mm binding posts (be
careful not to over tighten). Note that the negative terminal is the same for all impedance connections.
For further information see Tips & Advice: A Word About Impedance Matching.


Connect each channel to the power source indicated on the rear panel, either 100, 120, 220, or 240 volts
AC. The voltage may be select by means of the removable selector card located behind the fuses in the
power connectors. Remove the cards and reinstall so that the desired voltage may be read. Avoid power
conditioners that float the ground pin.


Power requirements are approximately 800 watts per channel. Pay close attention to power quality, and
be aware that different power cords can alter the sound.


Initially start with the Audio Ground switch in the "AF" position, and the left and right Feedback controls
in the "0" position. See the TIPS sections for further information.


By time delay, sound will begin approximately 45 seconds after turn on. As with all high fidelity products, the
sound characteristic of the VAC changes somewhat as it warms up. Best sound will be achieved after about one
hour of operation. We advise against leaving the equipment on at all times for safety reasons (see Safety Notice
at the front of this manual), and because of the attendant acceleration of output tube wear and power
consumption. Life of the output tubes averages 5,000 to 10,000 hours.

Any time that the VAC Power Amplifier has not been used for a few weeks the sound may be different. This is
also normal for high resolution audio equipment. Optimum sound should return after a few hours of operation,
preferably with an audio signal. Refer to the discussion of break in contained in the INTRODUCTION section
of this manual for further information.

Please note that although your VAC equipment has been run for 48 hours at the factory, it will continue to
"break in" for approximately 150 hours. Also be aware that many components display the need for a new break
in period after being transported in unheated cargo aircraft.