VAC Phi 300.1 User Manual
Page 5

Tube Placement - VAC Phi 300
V9 V10 V11 V12 KT88
V1 V2 V3 V4 6SN7
V5 V6 V7 V8 KT88
001) Install the vacuum tubes. Each tube
or its box has a “V” number, which
corresponds to the labels on the top
plate of the amplifier; these indicate
where each tube should be installed.
Fit each tube into the matching
When inserting and removing tubes,
handle them by their bases, not by
their glass bulbs.
Note that there is a locator pin on
the octal (eight contact) tubes that
indicates proper alignment.
Verify that the two “UltraLinear / Triode” switches are set to the desired position. The
ultralinear setting will deliver the best sound quality in most systems.
Carefully install the front glass and top rails (see detailed directions in the next section of this
manual). Take care not to chip or scratch the glass.
Set the rear switch to mono or stereo as desired.
Set the rear panel attenuator switch to DIRECT (bypassing the front panel level controls) or
VARIABLE (engages front panel level controls) as desired.
Connect the speaker cables; the black lead goes to “-“ or “Ground”. The red lead goes to
“+” or “Positive”. Follow the chart of the back of the amplifier for the impedance that best
matches your loudspeakers.
Set the input type switch to XLR (for balanced input) or RCA (for single-ended input).
Connect 12 volt trigger input cables into the appropriate sockets on the back panel if
desired; either will slave the off/on function to the external connection.
Provide adequate ventilation - allow at least 3 inches above and to each side.