VAC Avatar SE User Manual
Page 9

Page 9
Chassis Care:
Although your VAC Avatar chassis and faceplate are extremely durable, its finish can be
scratched, chipped or damaged if improperly treated. Cleaning with a soft, damp cloth while
the amplifier is switched off and unplugged should restore the finish to its original lustre.
Never clean Avatar with harsh or caustic cleansing agents.
When shipping your Avatar, be certain to wrap the amplifier in the cloth, tissue or plastic
wrap in which it was originally packaged. Given the high gloss of the lacquered finish, make
sure there are no ridges or sharp surfaces in those parts of the cloth which contact the
faceplate. Use of a coarser cloth or failure to otherwise protect the faceplate may result in
damage to the finish. VAC is not responsible for cosmetic damage resulting from improper
care or packing.
Installing New Tubes:
Original Equipment Replacement tubes are available from VAC. These tubes ensure your
Avatar will meet or exceed all factory performance specifications.
Before replacing tubes, all power must be off. Mute unit, place power switch in the “off”
position and unplug power cord. Remove cover and old tubes ONLY after the unit has
cooled down (In normal use, tubes become hot enough to cause serious burns. Allow several
minutes for tubes to cool before attempting to remove or replace.) Install the new tubes fully
firmly in their sockets, taking care to observe the direction of the locating ridge in the plastic
center pin of the EL34 output tubes’ plastic base. With 9-pin miniature tubes (V1-V7), make
sure that pin pattern corresponds to holes in tube socket.
When changing EL34 (V8-V11), turn the bias control corresponding to the new tube fully
counterclockwise. After turning the unit on and allowing it to reach normal operating
temperature, follow the normal biasing procedure.
In the event that trouble is encountered, switch power to the “off” position, check that all
tubes are correctly seated in their sockets and check all signal, speaker and power
connections. If possible, try another tube. If the problem persists, please consult your VAC
dealer or contact the factory directly.