Tenqa SP-109 User Manual
Page 10

consult local laws to determine if this device is allowed to be operated on board
an aircraft.
Vehicles: RF signals may conflict with installed or inadequately shielded elec-
tronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the manufacturer or its representa-
tive regarding your vehicle.
electronic Devices: Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF
signals. However, certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF
signals from the SP-109.
Pacemakers: To avoid potential interference with pacemakers, persons with
pacemakers should always keep the SP-109 more than six inches from their
pacemaker when the device is turned on. Consult with a doctor about concerns
when using the SP-109 near a pacemaker. If you have any reason to suspect that
interference is taking place, turn the SP-109 off immediately.
other Medical Devices: If you use any other personal medical device, consult
the device manufacturer and your physician to determine if it is adequately
shielded from external RF energy. Turn the SP-109 off in health care facilities when
any regulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals and health
care facilities may use equipment that is sensitive to external RF energy.
Posted Facilities: Turn off the SP-109 in any facility where posted notices so
iMPortant hanDling inForMation
notice: Failure to follow these handling instructions could result in damage to
the SP-109 or other property.
using connectors anD Ports
Never force a connector into a port. Check for obstructions on the port. If the
connector and port don’t join with reasonable ease, they probably do not match.
Make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the
connector correctly in relation to the port.
keePing the sP-109 within accePtaBle teMPeratures
Operate the SP-109 in a place where the temperature is always between 0º and
35º C (32º to 95º F). Battery life may be reduced in low-temperature conditions.
Store the SP-109 in a place where the temperature is always between -20º and 45º
C (-4º to 113º F). Don’t leave the SP-109 in your car because temperatures in parked
cars can exceed this range and damage sensitive internal components. When you
are using the SP-109, it is normal for the device to get warm. The exterior of the
SP-109 functions as a cooling surface that transfers heat from inside the unit to
the cooler air outside.
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