Introduction – Taser Axon-Mobile User Manual

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AXON® Mobile is a free software application for iOS smart devices (such as iPhone and iPad devices, and

multimedia players) that allows you to play back video from your AXON camera and add commentary (such

as case identification) to the footage. This manual provides instructions for installing the application, pairing

your smart device with your AXON system via Bluetooth technology, and using the AXON Mobile application

to process information.

NOTE: The AXON Mobile application can stream video from the AXON camera to your smart device. However,

the application is not able to save video to your smart device. Furthermore, your smart device cannot delete

or alter original video that is stored on an AXON camera. A smart device disconnected from its paired AXON

camera will not be able to play any video from the camera. Also, video removed from an AXON camera cannot

be streamed through a smart device, whether the smart device is paired with the AXON camera or not.

For detailed instructions on operating AXON hardware, see the TASER AXON Flex System User Manual and the

TASER AXON Body Camera User Manual.
