Summit Audio EQF-100 Tube Parametric Equalizer User Manual

Page 5

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EQF-100 Full Range Vacuum Tube Equalizer Applications

Basic setup: Plug the EQF-100 directly into the insert jack on the mixing console. Put
the insert send into the XLR input, and the XLR output back into the insert return of the
desired channel. If outboard preamps are being used, try sending the output of the preamp
into the EQF-100. This EQ is also perfect before or after a compressor, and for side chain
effects such as de-essing.

Boosting a frequency: Select which frequency you want to boost, put the
Boost/Cut/Bypass switch to plus and increase the gain. Use the bandwidth control to
affect more or less of the surrounding frequencies. A lower number on the bandwidth
knob means a narrower bandwidth. If the frequency you want to boost is on the high or
low band, set the Shelving/Resonant switch to resonant.

Setting up a low or high filter: Set all four Boost/Cut/Bypass switches to Out. Adjust
the two filter settings to the desired frequencies.

Notch filtering: Find the approximate frequency to be attenuated (low, mid-low, mid-
high, high). Set the bandwidth to wide (ten), the Boost/Cut/Bypass switch to Cut (minus),
and the filter type to resonant (high and low bands only). Turn the gain all the way up
(for the highest amount of cut) and start narrowing the bandwidth. Use the frequency
select and bandwidth to narrow in on the frequency to be attenuated. Decrease the gain
knob (decreasing the amount of cut) until the frequency is cut with the least effect on the
surrounding frequencies.

Low or high shelving: Set the low or high EQ sections to shelving filter. Select the
frequency where roll-off or boosting is to begin. Select plus or minus on the
Boost/Cut/Bypass switch and turn up the gain knob to cut or boost above the high
frequency selected or below the selected low frequency.