Sioux Tools NO. 1300 User Manual
Instructions for no. 1300 reciprocating air saw

Printed In U.S.A.
Form A803
Date 2003November20/A
Page 1 of 4
The efficiency and Iife of this tool depend on the proper supply of clean, dry, lubricated air at about
90 lbs. P.S.I., although higher or lower pressures may be used. The use of an air line filter, pressure
regulator and lubricator is recommended.
Before connecting the tool, blow the air line to remove water and dirt which may have accumulated.
This is especially important for a new line or when the line has not been used for some time.
The air supply hose is 3/8" I.D. If extension hose is necessary, use 1/2" hose, with couplings not less
than 3/8" I.D.
Preparing the saw for use - Select the proper type and length of blade to suit the work. See blade
Loosen the blade clamp screw with an Allen type wrench to permit slipping the tang of the blade into
place. Make sure that the hole in the blade is located on the stud of the blade clamp. Tighten blade
clamp screw securely. Do not over tighten as the thread could be stripped.
Wood Cutting - Rest the blade on the work. Hold the saw guide or shoe firmly against the work,
actuate the throttle. Holding the tool firmly with two hands feed the blade into the work. Following
this procedure will minimize jumping, vibration, and blade breakage. See drawings below.