Rocktron Mike Orlando Signature Wah User Manual

Page 13

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Mike Orlando’s Debut Sonic Stomp CD

has held the number one slot in multiple

categories on Guitar 9 records, as well

as one of the top sellers of the year in

the following categories: overall heavy

electric, hard rock and shred. The newly

released Sonic Stomp II has already

hit # 1 as well on Guitar 9 records.

Mike has also performed with Sonic

Stomp at 4 previous NAMM shows and

held signings for GHS and Rocktron,

as well as multiple performances at

Musikmesse Germany & Music China

Shanghai in the last 2 years.

Many songs from Mike Orlando’s Sonic

Stomp and Sonic Stomp II Cd’s are

available on the world famous ROCK-

BAND Game! During 2011 all tracks

from both Sonic Stomp CD’s will be

available to purchase & play in the

online ROCKBAND Store.

Mike is also a featured guitarist on

Magna Carta’s February 10, 2009

release “Guitars That Ate My Brain”,

which features 10 of metal’s premier
