Introduction continued – Rocktron Reaction Tremolo User Manual
Page 5

Introduction continued......:
(classic tremolo) or Square (staccato) modulation
waveform. INTENSITY controls the mix between
input source and effect output.
Tremolo pedals usually sound better when placed
after distortion in the signal chain. However, the
Reaction Tremolo can be used either before or after
the distortion. Placing the Reaction Tremolo after
a distortion while using the Square Wave selection
can produce an effect that is dynamically con-
trolled by how hard you attack a chord followed by
the decay which the tremolo effect seems to creep
up on and overtake…Very cool!
If using multiple pedals such as delays and other
modulation effects, try the Reaction Tremolo in
different parts of the signal chain until you find the
sound you like best.
The footswitch on the Reaction Tremolo controls
On/Off status as shown by the LED indicator. Re-
action stomp boxes run on a 9V Alkaline battery,
or may also be powered by Rocktron’s DC OnTap
Universal Power Supply adaptor.