Useful t ips and more – Peachtree Audio novaPre User Manual

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ips and More...




At Peachtree Audio we think products should be easy to use, but you need to

know a few things before setup. The novaPre’s USB digital input accepts music

files from your computer’s hard drive and plays them back with superb fidelity.

See instructions below. Some minor changes may occur with Windows or Apple

OS updates, but the basics are the usually the same.

uSB connections

1) Connect the USB terminal on the novaPre to a USB connection on your computer.

2) Your computer will “see” the USB Audio DAC inside the novaPre. You might get

a pop-up box noting a new USB connection.

3) Right click the speaker icon on the bottom of your screen.

4) Select “Audio” tab.

5) Using the drop-down box choose the USB dac.

6) Click OK.

7) You will need to install the included CD software download for 24/192 playback

on a PC.

Launch Music Program and play.
1) Open System Preferences.

2) Click on Sound.

3) In the Output tab you should see USB Audio DAC (or similar) as one of the choices.

4) Select it.
Launch iTunes and enjoy your music.

Once you set up your computer following the above instructions it should recognize the

novaPre’s USB Audio DAC and default to it. If you unplug the USB connection you may

have to repeat some steps; this is not unusual.

other useful tips...

For the best sound when listening to music from your computer, set your computer and music

program volume controls to maximum and use the novaPre volume knob or remote control as

the master volume control.
For critical listening to music from your computer, avoid keeping multiple programs open. It can

compromise the sound quality and even cause signal dropouts.
Give the novaPre adequate ventilation as it may get warm.
We’ll post articles and other helpful tips on getting the best sound from your computer’s music

files, your iPod, and your other digital music sources. Visit us at our website:

Interested in the Green movement?

The novaPre meets the European RoHS standards for non-hazardous metals.
The novaPre utilizes a standby transformer that draws less than one watt of power.
We will continue to investigate more ways of making our products environmentally friendly. Feel

free to email us with your suggestions:

[email protected]