Simple soaring – ParkZone PKZ4775 User Manual

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One of the most fascinating and interesting segments

of RC flying is Soaring. Finding a thermal and rising

without power to unlimited heights is both exhilarating

and rewarding. Once the Radian is up to altitude, one

will be able to soar for hours relying only on thermal

currents and wind to stay aloft. With the current trend

towards an eco-friendly society, thermal soaring is free

energy and fits well with the environmentally conscious

Gliders were actually man’s first step to powered flight.

The Wright brothers used gliders extensively to gather

the much needed flight data that allowed them to

eventually achieve powered flight. In essence, a glider

is defined by the fact it continually descends. NASA

space shuttles are in fact gliders by definition. Many of

the troop carriers in World War II were also classified

as gliders. Often gliders are confused with sailplanes,

yet they have completely different functions. A sailplane

is similar to a glider, however, there is one primary

difference. A sailplane can actually soar—meaning it

can rise above its initial launch height.
In the late 1920s and early ’30s, Germany led the

world with sailplane designs. This was partly due to

restrictions placed on them from World War I, when

they could not produce powered aircraft. Due to this,

some wonderful innovations in sailplane designs were

made, and some argue that it was this period that led

to our current sailplane designs and theories. With

modern sailplane designs, it is not uncommon for full-

size sailplanes to stay aloft for up to 8 hours and cover

1000 miles while averaging over 100 mph. Smaller

model sailplanes can fly for long periods using similar

flight theories that full-size sailplanes use. If you have

never experienced thermal soaring with a sailplane

before, you’re really going to enjoy the Radian’s great

soaring capabilities and experience the wonderful sport

of RC thermal soaring.

What Are Thermals?

The first step to thermal flying is to have a basic

understanding of what thermals are and how they

work. If you have some concept of how a thermal

works it will help you know where to search for them.

A thermal is basically rising air. The temperature of

the ground is not consistent. Different textures, colors

and even weather conditions can cause uneven ground

temperature. The warmer ground temperatures heat

up and form a warm air bubble. At this stage, the

bubble will hug the ground until something breaks the

surface tension to release it, much like a soap bubble

breaking away from the water’s surface. Once tripped,

perhaps by a tree line or building, the thermal bubble

then rises up, continuing to gain energy until it is fully

developed many thousands of feet above. Thermals are

typically stronger later in the day because the ground

has had more time to generate heat. There are still

thermals in the morning and evening, but they behave

differently. Morning thermals are very narrow, meaning

they have a small diameter, and do not typically go

very high (20–400 feet). However, there are many small

thermals in the morning, and it is recommended that

you learn at this time of the day. Morning thermals are

very defined yet are safe, as they typically don’t go too

high and are not as violent as fully developed thermals.

Another benefit is there are many smaller thermals

close together in the morning and this will allow

you to hop from one thermal to another with ease.

Evening thermals are typically large warm air masses,

meandering through the sky. They are usually very

smooth with soft edges. The middle of the day (noon to

4 p.m.) is when the thermals are at their strongest.

The downside is that with every thermal there is also

sink. Sink is the surrounding air that is left by the

thermal leaving the ground. Typically sink is on the

upwind side of the thermal. Sink is created when the

warm air has been displaced; colder descending air will

fill the area when the warm air has receded. Sink is not

necessarily a bad thing—because where there is sink

there is also lift close by. The trick is to find lift before

you have to land.

How to Catch a Thermal

Always have a planned search pattern when looking for

thermals. Even the most seasoned thermal competition

pilot will have a search plan before launching. This is

one of the basics of thermal flying. If you have a plan,

based on good sound thermal logic, chances are you

will more than likely find a thermal.
Thermals don’t typically stay in the same location for

long, so maintaining a consistent pattern is important

to ensure as much ground as possible is covered

before landing. Many people just fly straight upwind.

Working in an “S” pattern will increase the searched

surface. Keep working the Radian upwind to cover a lot

more sky for the same loss of height. Also, be on the

lookout for ground markers. Although thermals cannot

be seen, things that identify them can. Wind direction

and velocity are great thermal indicators. Often the

colder descending air filling in the hole that the thermal

created when it left the ground will be a good indication

as to where thermals may be. If the wind has a distinct

change of direction, there is a good chance of a nearby

thermal. The same would apply if the wind shifted to

blow from the right. There would be a good chance the

thermal would be to the left and slightly behind you.

If you feel the wind strength increase, yet it continues

blowing straight into your face, then the thermal is

directly behind you. Finally, if the wind reduces in

velocity, or even stops from a steady breeze, then

the thermal is either ahead of you or right above you.

Basically the thermal will be in the direction that the

wind is blowing towards. Always pay attention to the

general wind direction and look for changes in both

its direction and velocity as signs for thermals. Other

ground signs are birds. Many birds are capable of

soaring, and you will often see them soaring on the

thermals. Before launching, always check for birds.

Pay close attention to how they are flying or if they are

flapping hard—chances are they are also looking for

lift. If they are soaring without flapping, then there is

a good chance they are in lift. Birds also like to feed

on small insects. As thermals initiate from the ground,

often they will suck up small insects into the air. Birds

will often feed on these insects and indicate another

sign that there is lift. If you see birds flying in circles,

almost in a feeding frenzy, there is a chance that lift

is in their proximity. Another idea that works well is to

fly over areas that are darker. Often a freshly plowed

field, a parking lot, dirt—anything with a dark color will

generate more heat—could also be a good source of

generating thermals. One little test you may like to do is

to paint various colors on a sheet of paper and place it

in the sun. After 30 minutes or so, go and check which

colors have created the most heat. Once you know

what colors make the most heat, look for natural areas

on the ground that match these colors and use those

as locations for thermal hunting.

What to Do When You Find a Thermal

The first thing one needs to be absolutely sure of is that

a lift has truly been found. Often a sailplane may find

what is called a stick thermal, meaning you may have

been carrying some additional speed and the model

will climb by pitching upward. One of the best signals

when the model is truly in lift is it will slightly speed up

and the nose of the aircraft will be down slightly. The

model will feel more agile and responsive. Once lift is

found, start circling in a moderate circle (50–75 foot

radius). Then determine the size of the thermal. If the

Radian drops on one side of the thermal and is more

buoyant on the other as it circles, it has reached the

boundary of the thermal. The parameters of most

thermals are clearly marked by the downward flowing

air. The center has fast rising air and the outside has

downward rolling air (often called the edge of the

thermal or the thermal wall). In the middle of the day

when thermals are at their strongest, the thermal wall

can be very distinct and violent, yet in the morning and

late evening they are much softer. The objective is to

make sure one is completely inside the thermal. This

is called centering or coring the thermal. You will need

to constantly make adjustments to keep in the center

of the thermal. Maintain climb all the way around each

360-degree circle. Often, especially if it is a windy day,

thermals will drift with the wind. Most will travel directly

downwind. One thing to remember is your Radian will

also drift with the wind, especially when circling, so

once the core of the thermal is established, the Radian

will naturally drift with the thermal. One mistake people

make is they don’t allow their model to drift with the

thermal, hence falling out of the front or side of the

thermal as it drifts downwind.

Slope and Alpine Lift

Another form of soaring is slope lift. This lift is caused

by wind rushing over a hill, cliff or any solid land mass

that has more than 30 degrees of slope. As the air hits

the hill or slope, it is redirected in an upward motion,

thus creating lift. The best example of this is hang

gliders that are soaring on the cliff faces. They maintain

flight by soaring on the updrafts created by the sea

breezes hitting the cliffs and creating what is known as

slope lift. This sort of soaring is a lot of fun with your

Radian, as you can always motor back to a safe landing

if the lift falls away. The important thing to understand

with slope-type lift is the wind must be almost directly

blowing up the face of the hill or slope. Any more than

a 20-degree variation may cause more turbulence than

actual lift.
Alpine soaring has been popular in Europe and is also

becoming popular in the US. It is the extreme end of

thermal soaring. As thermals develop deep on the

valley floor, they rise up the mountainside reaching their

climax at the top of the mountain. This is often marked

by a strong breeze blowing at the top of the mountain,

which is in fact a fully developed thermal. One of the

benefits of the Radian is that it has power assistance.

Even though it does have an electric motor that will

allow quite a steep climb, the primary purpose of the

motor is a launch device so if the lift does go away, the

Radian can motor back to a safe landing point.
We hope you enjoy your Radian and, more importantly,

experience the art of thermal soaring. As this may

be your first electric-powered sailplane, we hope this

document has given you the basic ingredients to

enhance your enjoyment with this wonderful product.

We wish you all the best and happy thermal hunting.

Simple Soaring