Dakota Digital PAC-2700 User Manual
Page 5

MAN# 650264:B
Display reads “Er0”
(lost memory)
Setup memory lost, unit needs to be
Go through setup procedure, (see setup in this manual)
Display reads “Er1”
(shorted sender)
Wrong gauge selected
Gauge disconnected from sender
(gauge option only)
Sender is shorted
Unit not connected to sender
Select proper gauge in setup or use custom cal if
Reconnect gauge to sender
Check sender wire for short to ground, look for pinched
sender wire or bare connection touching ground
Connect SENDER terminal on unit to sender circuit
Display reads “Er2”
(open sender)
Wrong gauge selected
Sender not connected
Unit not connected to sender
Use setup to select proper gauge, or use custom cal if
Reconnect wire to sender
Connect SENDER terminal on unit to sender circuit
Display reads “Er3”
Setup data is out of valid range
Go through setup again, custom cal may be incorrect
Display reads “bAt”
when attempting to go
into setup
+12v terminal does not have
constant power
Connect +12v terminal to fused battery connection. This
terminal should have constant power at all times.
Display alternates
between “Lo” and “bAt”
Battery voltage dropped too low
during key off extended fan on time
Ensure battery is fully charged. Check and replace weak
battery. Shorten fan delay time to prevent excessive
battery drain.
Fan turns on late, or
not at all
Unit has no power
Broken/shorted wire to sender
Wrong gauge is selected
(gauge setup)
Wrong sender used
(for no gauge setup)
On temperature in setup is too high
Fan not connected properly
Alternator overcharging
(Analog gauge applications only)
With key on, hold SW1, if the display doesn’t show a
temperature after a few seconds, check battery and
ground connections.
Check wire to sender for breaks or shorts and repair.
Hold SW1, if temperature read is lower than expected or
doesn’t match gauge, redo setup.
For sender only applications ONLY a Dakota Digital
300ºF sender can be used. Other senders may not give
a correct temperature reading.
Hold SW1, if temperature read is above the desired on
temperature, and fan is not running, redo setup.
Remove fan output from unit and short wire to ground. If
fan does not run, check relay and fan connections.
Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage at the battery
while the engine is running. If this voltage is above 15v
the unit may turn the fan on later than expected. Either
correct overcharging problem or set on temp lower to
Fan runs constantly
Controller has an error
Fan off temp too low
Broken/shorted wire to sender
Wrong gauge is selected
Check display for error message
Increase off temp in setup
Check wire to sender for breaks or shorts and repair.
Select appropriate gauge in setup, or custom calibrate if
your gauge is not supported.