Technical data brochure

Seat Adjustment
Loosen Bolts on sliding brackets under each side of seat, slide seat forward or rearward to
desired position. Re -tighten bolts. Do not operate mower w i t h bracket bolts in a l o o s e
Mower Blade Operation
To start mower b l a d e s , move l e v e r on f l o o r s l o w l y to "ENGAGE" p o s i t i o n . To stop
mower b l a d e s , move l e v e r on floor s l o w l y to "DISENGAGE" p o s i t i o n .
Body Removal
1. Disconnect throttle cable from engine.
2. Disconnect the rear wiring loom (P/N 4109) from the body by lightly squeezing the Econo-
Seal plug. This is located at the left rear of the body.
3. Note: Loosen bolts that hold body switch ( P / N 4079) and s l i d e switch away from engaging
rod. Tighten one bolt just enough to hold s w i t c h in this position until body is
4. Remove 4 control l e v e r bolts and remove upper control l e v e r s ( P / N 1501L-1501R).
5. Remove engaging handle ( P / N 6089) by removing b o l t and nut under handle.
6. Remove the 2 attach nuts on f l o o r of body and 2 sheet metal screws at the rear of body.
7. Place height adjustment lever in vertical position, engage parking brake and c a r e f u l l y l i f t
body up and off c h a s s i s .
8. Reverse the above procedure for a s s e m b l y .
Safety Checks
W i t h the mower deck in the engaged p o s i t i o n s l i d e the body s w i t c h (P/N 4 0 7 9 ) toward
the engaging rod (P/N 6087-1) until the switch leaf j u s t makes contact with the
s w i t c h button. Tighten both bolts in switch bracket.
W i t h mower deck engaged, attempt to start engine in all cutting height p o s i t i o n s .
If engine starts in any cutting height position, re -adjust the s w i t c h . Disengage
the mower deck and start the engine in each cutting height position. If engine
fails to start in any cutting height position, re-adjust switch.
W i t h operator in normal mowing/ p o s i t i o n , engage mower deck and remove w e i g h t from
seat. The engine should stop. Repeat this procedure in each cutting height
position. If engine does not stop when operator rises from seat in each cutting
height position, return to an authorized Dixon dealer for adjustment f>r repairs.
Parking Brake Adjustment
Remove body as described above. Tighten nut on brake rod (P/N2533) (Located in front of the
transaxle on each s i d e . ) , j u s t enough to prevent brake from s l i p p i n g when engaged. CAUTION:
Over tightening may c a u s e premature wear on brake band ( P / N 5 0 8 5 ) .
Mower Drive Belt Adjustment
Belt tension for mower drive belt (P/N 2412) is adjusted by loosening nut on the c o n n e c t i n g
arm a s s e m b l y ( P / N 2 1 7 1 -A ) and turning b o l t to a c h i e v e d e s i r e d t e n s i o n . Re -tighten nut.
Tension should be checked with belt in engaged position.
Removing Mower Deck
1. Remove engaging handle (P/N 6089) by removing bolt and nut under handle.
2. Loosen belt keeper (P/N 2234) located under engine by loosening 2 rear engine
mount bolts to a l l o w mower deck drive belt to come free of rear pulley.
R e -tighten belt keeper,
(continued on back)
ZTR 308-311
D.I. Form S -35 ( R e v . 6/83)