Iv. rebuilding – NIBCO 3-Piece Bronze Ball Valves User Manual
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NIBCO Technical Services • Phone: 1.888.446.4224 • Fax: 1.888.336.4224
A standard repair kit may be ordered, consisting of PTFE seats, reinforced PTFE thrust washer,
PTFE packing and fluorocarbon O-ring seals.
A. Persons involved in removal and disassembly
of valve should wear appropriate
protective equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, etc.
B. Relieve line pressure.
C. Open valve halfway to remove any fluid trapped in cavity around ball.
D. Place valve in open position, loosen body bolts, remove two body bolts and nuts and
lift out center section.
E. Rotate handle to closed position, remove old seats, body seals and ball.
F. Remove handle nut, handle and packing nut from body.
G. Push stem into body cavity and remove.
H. Remove thrust washer from stem and packing from body. (Leave grounding washer
in valve body).
I. Check and clean all sealing surfaces.
J. Place thrust washer on stem and install through body cavity.
K. Install ball, seats and O-rings in body. With ball in open position, carefully place body
assembly between pipe ends.
CAUTION: Do not scratch body seals or damage O-rings when placing valve body
between pipe ends.
L. Replace body bolts and nuts then tighten evenly to the torque value specified in
Table 1.
M. Make sure that grounding washer is still in place, and then install packing over stem
into packing cavity of body. Thread packing nut into packing cavity to the torque
specified in Table 2.
N. Place handle and handle nut on stem and tighten until handle is snug.
WARNING: Do not solder or braze with fluid trapped in the cavity around the ball.
Thermal expansion of this fluid could produce excessive internal pressure which will
damage seat or body materials.