NIBCO 2-Piece Steel Ball Valves User Manual

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NIBCO Technical Services • Phone: 1.888.446.4224 • Fax: 1.888.336.4224



This valve can be soft soldered into lines without disassembly, using a low temperature
solder such as 95/5 tin antimony solder which melts at 452°F - 464°F. For all lead-free
solders which melt in this temperature range, extreme care must be used to prevent seat
damage since temperatures above 500°F will affect the seat materials.


1. Clean and flux as you would any solder joint.

2. Close the valve. This does two things – it gets the handle out of the way and

protects the PTFE seats with the ball.

3. Wrap a wet rag around valve body.

4. With the flame directed away from the valve, apply heat to the end opposite the

threaded end piece. Apply solder and move off.

5. Repeat Step 4 on threaded insert end.

6. Upon completion of Steps 1 to 5, leave the valve in the closed position until


7. Heat from soldering, if excessive, may affect stem seal. After completion of

soldering it may be necessary to tighten packing gland. Always check for
leakage after installation.

WARNING: DO NOT under any circumstances, solder the downstream end of this valve
while there is upstream pressure/or with fluid trapped in the cavity around the ball.
Thermal expansion of this fluid could produce excessive internal pressure which could
damage seat or body materials. Always drain down the system and cycle the valve two to
three times after drain down is complete before applying heat. Steam created from trapped
fluid in cavity around the ball could cause the valve to burst if valve is heated excessively.

For any technical enquiries please call NIBCO Technical Services.