Stringing your bow, Limb straightening (bumping), Arrow rest – Martin Archery Martin Traditional User Manual

Page 2: Take-down limb installation, Care and safety

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Martin Archery recommends that you use a bowstringer when

stringing your bow. Proper use of a bowstringer will
prevent your bow’s limbs from becoming twisted. A bowstringer
also provides the safest method of stringing your bow as the limb tips
are away from you during the stringing and unstringing
process. (Avoid placing your head close to the limb tips when
stringing and unstringing your bow).


Should a limb become twisted, it will remain twisted until you

straighten or ‘bump’ it back to the straight position. ‘Bumping’ in-
volves the placement of one hand near the twisted section of the limb
and the other hand on the riser section. A twisted limb can be straight-
ened in this manner by applying pressure in the opposite direction of
the twist. You should unstring your bow before
straightening a twisted limb.

Neglecting a twisted limb will only allow the twist to

become more severe. A brief inspection of each limb should be made
each time you string your bow.


All Martin (Howatt) bows, with the exception of

traditional longbow models, are designed to be shot either from an
elevated arrow rest or directly off of the arrow shelf. An
elevated arrow rest provides increased fletching clearance and is help-
ful when using plastic vanes. Shooting off of the shelf allows the
arrow to be held closer to the bowhand which is helpful to
instinctive shooting. It is recommended, when shooting off of the
shelf, that you pad the arrow shelf and the portion of the sight
window directly above the pivot point with a rug rest or hair rest.

Elevator Rest

Hair (rug) Rest


Each of your Martin (Howatt) Take-Down model limbs is denoted either with a “T” (top limb) or

a “B” (bottom limb). These markings are found on each limb near the mounting area.

Your Take-Down model is designed to be shot with the limbs mounted securely against the riser.

Do not overtighten your limb bolts. A snug fit is all that is required. Overtightening can cause limb
damage. The draw weight is not adjustable on Take-Down model recurve bows.



You should unstring your bow when it is not being used.


Never ‘dry-fire’ your bow.

This is shooting the bow without an arrow. A ‘dry-fire’ can severely damage your bow.


Never draw, aim or shoot unless you are sure that line of fire is clear.

Remember: “Once an arrow is in flight, it cannot be recalled.”


Store your bow in a cool, dry place and avoid prolonged exposure to excessive heat and



Occasionally waxing your bow with a quality furniture wax will help preserve its finish.

When cared for in this manner, your bow will provide you with many years of faithful service.