Speaker connections – Legacy Audio Signature SE User Manual

Page 18

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Biwiring allows one to minimize the cable losses between the amplifier and the loud-
speaker. This is accomplished with a single stereo amplifier by running separate sets
of cables to the satellite section and the subwoofer section from the same channel of
amplification. When biwiring, we recommend the use of gold spade lugs or dual ba-
nana plugs. This can make the task much easier and safer than bare wire connec-
tions. Again, the major reasons for biwiring over conventional wiring are greater
power transfer (improved efficiency) and tighter control over the drivers (better

Passive Biamping

This option can yield even better results than biwiring due to broader distribution of
power requirements. Passive biamplification allows low frequency current to be
routed to a separate channel of amplification, reducing strain on the satellite ampli-
fier and preventing subwoofer back-EMF from modulating with the upper frequencies.
There are two types of passive biamplification; Vertical biamping (which requires two
identical stereo amplifiers or four MonoBlocs) and Horizontal biamping (which does
not require identical amplifiers).

Speaker Connections