Lamar Technologies Activator 282 User Manual

Page 15

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7) After at least one additional charge and discharge cycle, read the minimum and

maximum voltages observed. The highest voltage must be 28.2V ± 0.3 Volts.

The lowest voltage must be 25.2V ± 0.3Volts. If either voltage is outside the

listed range, the Activator 282 must be returned to the factory for repair and



This procedure is not required but may be performed as desired. The timing of the

Activator is set by a crystal oscillator, verified at the factory. If it fails, the Activator 282

display will fail.

Tools and materials:

a) Activator 282 to be verified

b) Electrolytic capacitor, 4700 to 10,000 µF,3 Volts or greater

c) Resistor, about 10KΩ, ¼ Watt or greater

d) Stopwatch or clock with seconds display


a) Connect the resistor across the capacitor terminals.

NOTE: The resistor and capacitor together determine the delay time

between charge cycles in this test. The time is not critical, but should be

long enough to avoid missing a charge cycle. 10,000 µF and 10KΩ gives

about 9 ~ 10 seconds between charge cycles.

b) Connect the capacitor positive terminal to the positive output of the Activator

282. That is the battery connection on the same side as the red and black test

jacks and the instruction label. Connect the capacitor negative terminal to the

negative output of the Activator 282.

c) Set the Activator 282 for Lead Acid battery. Turn on the Activator 282 and begin

timing immediately. The Activator 282 will indicate 28.6V ± 0.3V. The yellow

CHARGING LED will be lit.