Laerdal MegaCode Kid Advanced (SimPad Capable) User Manual
Page 4
For intubation of the MegaCode Kid
, the following equipment is
• Endotracheal stylet
• Endotracheal tube - size 5.0 to 5.5
• Manikin lubricant or liquid soap
• Laryngoscope blade - Miller size 1 or Mac size 2
Prior to airway insertion, all intubation devices and airway passages
must be sprayed with manikin lubricant or liquid soap.
Cardiac Related Skills
1. Compressions on MegaCode Kid can be performed with one or
two hands, according to AHA guidelines on patient age.
Carotid Pulse Bulb
IV Arm
Zap Plates
Photo 1
ECG Leads
2. For monitoring purposes, lead placement snaps are located on manikin as
follows: (Photo 2) (A, B, C, D)
3. Two Zap Plates (discs) have been designed for use with external paddles.
Screw discs into post sockets located on apex and sternum of manikin.
Rhythm may be read from monitor by applying paddles to discs with firm
pressure. (Do not use gel.)
down firmly for good contact.
the paddle and any of the electrode sites while defibrillating.
A load of up to 300 joules can be delivered.
Apex Zap Plate
Photo 2
Safety precautions should be exercised in using SimPad around water.
Use same caution
as with any defibrillation exercise.
See SimPad DFU for complete cardiac operating instructions.
Safety Precautions used during Defibrillation
of a Patient/Trainer
1. Read and follow all safety and operating instructions provided with
your defibrillator and associated equipment.
2. This trainer can be shocked with actual voltages and current used
on a live patient. All precautions and safety measures must be used
during the defibrillation and pacing phases of training. Failure to
follow safety measures could result in injury or death to operators,
students or onlookers not heeding these warnings.
Auscultation of Heart, Breath and Bowel Sounds
See SimPad DFU for complete Heart, Breath, and Bowel Sound
Photo 3
Carotid Pulse
Carotid Pulse is manually generated with a red bulb. Pulse rate is controlled
by squeezing bulb.
MegaCode Kid
SimPad Connection
1. Connect MegaCode Kid to Link Box, via cable located
on back of manikin. For some manikins the adapter cable
supplied with SimPad may have to be used.