Laerdal Catheterization and Enema Trainer User Manual
Page 3

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................3
Laerdal Recommends ............................................................................................3
Items Included .........................................................................................................3
Skills Taught ..............................................................................................................3
Belly Plate .................................................................................................................3
Injection Pads ..........................................................................................................3
Hip Joints ..................................................................................................................3
Genitalia ....................................................................................................................4
Urinary Catheterization & Enema Simulation ..................................................4
Care and Maintenance ...........................................................................................4
Replacement Parts .................................................................................................5
The Interchangeable Enema and Catheterization Trainer (375-21001)
is a life-like, vinyl female pelvis, designed to teach enema and urinary
catheterization procedures.
The manufacturing quality of this simulator should provide many sessions of
training when reasonable care and maintenance is practiced.
Laerdal Recommends
Urethral Catheterization – 16 French
Enema Catheterization – 7mm
Caution: Latex
This product contains Natural Rubber latex which may cause
allergic reactions when in contact with humans.
Items Included
(1) Interchangeable Catheterization and Enema Trainer
(1) Male genitalia assembly
(1) Female genitalia assembly
(1) Enema reservoir assembly
(3) Urinary valve assemblies
(3) Anal valve assemblies
(2) Thigh Pads
(1) Ventro-Gluteal Pad
(1) Dorsal-Gluteal Pad
(1) Carry Case
(1) Laerdal Global Warranty Booklet
(1) Directions for Use
Skills Taught
• Urinary catheterization procedures
• Enema procedures
• Intramuscular injections:
Belly Plates
The belly plate fits into the lower torso by a ledge on the plate and
corresponding groove on the torso cavity.
To remove:
Pull out plate out by applying pressure to center of plate then work fingers
under edge of plate and lift out.
To insert:
Position plate over cavity and work edges into groove on torso cavity.
Injection Pads
To remove:
Squeeze pad with fingers and pull.
To insert:
Squeeze pad with fingers and insert.
Hip Joints
The hip joints are attached with a bolt, a spring, two washers and a wing
To remove thighs:
a. Remove belly plate from trainer.
b. Remove thigh injection pad from thigh.
b. Remove wing nut and washer from bolt. (Leave spring assembly in thigh.)
c. Remove bolt.
To attach thighs:
a. Remove belly plate from manikin to locate hole in hip.
b. Remove thigh injection pad from thigh.
c. Remove wing nut and washer from bolt already inserted in thigh. (Leave
spring assembly in thigh.)
d. Insert bolt through hole in pelvis.
e. Slide washer and wing nut back over bolt.
f. Use a screwdriver to drive bolt into wing nut. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
Interchangeable Catheterization and Enema Trainer