Unpacking your iwsub reference and subamp 600 – Definitive Technology IWSUB REFERENCE 600 User Manual
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Unpacking Your IWSub Reference
and SubAmp 600
• Please inspect your new equipment carefully. Notify your Definitive
Technology dealer immediately if you notice any damage or missing items.
• Record the serial numbers of your new equipment (usually found on the
rear panels). Note this information in the appropriate place on your Warranty
Card. Mail in your Warranty Card within 10 days of purchase.
• Keep the cartons and packing material. They will do the best job of
protecting your speakers if they need to be transported.
Important Note Concerning In-Wall Installation
The IWSub Reference is designed to be installed inside the walls of your home
quickly and easily. Because of its superb sonic performance, its installation
location within your room is very flexible. But your room is not like anyone
else’s room, and because of its unique size and shape will have its own require-
ments for optimal sonic performance. We recommend that you consult with the
Custom Installation Specialist at your Definitive Technology dealer regarding
your special needs or if you are at all uncertain about the best and safest way
to install your subwoofer.
• Before starting construction or modification of your walls or ceilings, you
should familiarize yourself with any applicable local fire and building codes.
• Speaker wire must be run inside your wall as part of the installation process
of in-wall loudspeakers. Plan the connection before you start your loud-
speaker installation.
• Make sure the locations you select do not conceal studs, electrical wiring or
plumbing. Prior to installation, hold the speaker in your chosen location to
make sure it safely clears obstacles such as studs, corners, beams, lighting
fixtures and door/window frames. Your cutout must be at least 1" (25mm)
from adjoining walls or ceiling, internal studs or plumbing, and a minimum
of 5" above the floor or 1" above the top of the baseboard (whichever is
higher). Note that the frame around the inset loudspeaker extends 1" beyond
your cutout.
• It is highly recommended that you take advantage of the expertise
of a professional installation specialist.