Laerdal ALS Baby User Manual

Page 4

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Airway open/closed - Stomach distension
In the flexed position, with the head resting forward onto the
chest, the airways are closed. If an attempt is made to ventilate
the manikin via bag-mask between this position and the neutral
position, air will not enter the lungs. If an air pressure of more
than 10 mm Hg is applied, stomach distention can be observed
on the manikin.


The manikin can be intubated via the oral and nasal routes.

A 3,5 mm tube is recommended to avoid backward
air leakage. A No. 1 laryngoscope blade is recommended.

If intubated too deeply, the tube will pass into the right mainstem
bronchus, causing ventilation to the right lung only.

Always make sure that the airway
and tube have been properly lubricated
before practising intubation on the manikin.
This is important both to provide the proper realism
and to reduce the risk of damaging the manikin's upper
airways. Use the lubricant spray supplied with ALS Baby Trainer and
Intubation Baby Trainer.

I N S T RU C T I O N S F O R U S E - M a n i k i n Fe a t u re s

Head tilt
In the neutral position, the airways are open. If ventilated via
bag-mask in this position, air will enter the lungs. If a too rapid
ventilation is performed, causing an air pressure in excess of 10
mm Hg, stomach distention will occur.

Hyperextension of the head/neck will not cause the
airways to close.

The cricoid pressure technique (Sellick manoeuvre) can be
realistically performed on the ALS Baby Trainer and Intubation
Baby Trainer.

Lungs, stomach
The manikin contains two separate lungs and a stomach.
They are designed to provide realistic movement and sounds
during ventilation of either lung or distention of the stomach.
To expel air from the stomach, simply press downward on the
manikin's stomach.

The manikin will expel all air back through the mouth and nose.

Jaw thrust
The manikin also allows jaw thrust to be performed.
Performed in the flexed position, the airways will open and allow
ventilation by bag-mask.

Insertion of LMA
Insertion of LMA can be practiced. A size 1 LMA
is recommended.


Laerdal ALS Baby direction for use rev E:Laerdal ALS Baby dire#88E7D.qxd 27.03.2009 12:14 Page 4