Connection & calibration - av receiver – Krix Seismix Cube User Manual

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connection & calibration - AV receiver

connection and defaults

It is recommended that you use Line
Level RCA connections for home theatre

Ensure the main power switch is off and

connect the mains power cord.


volume on your subwoofer to middle



phase to 0°.

Set subwoofer

low pass to 200Hz

(bypass) setting. The AV receiver
will manage the crossover/low pass


power mode to auto (default)

Connect the subwoofer pre-out (SW)

on your receiver/processor to the line
in L / LFE input on your subwoofer.
(see advanced connection methods for

Switch on mains power switch.

At this time you may wish to perform

the AV receiver’s automatic calibration
proceedure. Alternatively refer to the
manual setup procedure below.

manual receiver setup

Ensure subwoofer is set to ON or YES in
your receiver setup (Refer to your receiver/
processor manual for more information)

Use default subwoofer channel level setting on
your receiver.

On your receiver select desired crossover
frequency/low pass setting. As guide use the
80Hz setting.

If your speakers are small (bass driver is
smaller than 5 1/4”) use a higher setting
(100Hz,120Hz,150Hz) to send more of
the bass information to your subwoofer.
Consult your receiver manual for further
bass management options and settings.

manual subwoofer calibration

When using the subwoofer in a home theatre
installation it is also benefi cial to listen to
movies with extended periods of low bass
(explosions, rumbles etc). This will allow
you to evaluate the ‘impact’ and ‘depth’ of

your subwoofer. It is also benefi cial to select
music that is familiar to you when carrying
out listening tests. As a suggestion play clean
unprocessed recordings that use double bass,
bass guitar, cellos, organ or kick drum etc. that
cover a wide bass spectrum.

Begin by playing the movie/music and slowly
adjust the volume dial on the subwoofer to
your desired level.

For fi nal tweaking of your subwoofer
level you may wish to sit in the
primary listening position and adjust
the subwoofer channel level using your
receiver’s remote control. (Refer to your
receiver’s manual for more information)

Now set the phase dial. The correct phase
setting will produce the most bass. You may
need to listen to a variety of recordings to hear
any subtle change in bass energy. If no change
in bass energy can be heard between phase
settings, set phase to 0° default position. Re-
adjusted volume if necessary.

advanced connection methods:

one subwoofer - stereo connection
If your receiver has a stereo L & R subwoofer
output feature, connect both L & R outputs to
your subwoofers L & R line inputs.

two (or more) subwoofers - mono connection
Using multiple subwoofers can be useful in
large or troublesome installations where more
uniform bass coverage is desired. If your
receiver has only one subwoofer output, use
the Seismix subwoofer loop through feature to
connect the multiple subwoofers.

left and right subwoofers - stereo connection
If your receiver has stereo line level subwoofer
outputs a left and right subwoofer may be
used to allow stereo low bass reproduction.
Connect each receiver sub output to the
corresponding subwoofer:
L sub out to the left subwoofer L(mono)input
R sub out to right subwoofer L(mono) input
















