Operation – JUGS Sports Jr. Baseball & Softball (1 wheel) Pitching Machine User Manual

Page 23

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Throw balls at speeds the batter can learn to hit. As the batter’s skills

increase you can throw faster pitches. Always pitch balls at a speed
suitable for the age and skill level of the batter. Pitches thrown too fast will be
counterproductive and dangerous.

12. Place ball into feed chute and watch the trajectory of the ball.
13. Increase the speed of the pitch by turning the dial clockwise

(see Figures 13 and 14).

• When you increase speed of any pitch, you must lower the elevation

of aim; when you decrease the speed, you must increase the aim

14. To regulate the height of the pitch:

• Hold the feed chute handle and loosen the vertical T-clamp.
• Move the feed chute TOWARDS home plate for a lower pitch.

Move the feed chute AWAY from home plate for a higher pitch.

• hand tighten the vertical T-clamp.

15. To regulate the direction of the pitch:

• Loosen the horizontal T-clamp.
• Grasp the chute handle and move the “top” of the JUGS sideways until

the chute is aimed at the desired target.

• Hand tighten horizontal T-clamp.

NOTE: When throwing faster pitches (dial setting 45-60 mph), be sure to line

up horizontal T-clamp over the red dot on the base and then tighten the
horizontal T-clamp. To make small lateral adjustments (for example,
from “outside corner” pitches to “inside corner” pitches) simply “shift”
the legs of the pitching machine slightly by gently tapping the legs with
your foot.


Never loosen the vertical T-clamp without holding the chute