HITEC HFX User Manual
Page 2

ouble Shooting:
le Shooting:
le Shooting:
le Shooting:
le Shooting:
1. The LED light keeps blinking: Setup process is incomplete. Repeat the setup process again.
2. Forward speed is too slow: Check the EPA settings at the transmitter or full power posittion are not programmed correctly. Repeat the set-up
process again.
3. Brake does not work: Maximize the brake EPA or redo the brake set-up again.
4. The unit becomes too “Hot” to handle: Motor is over geared or is drawing too much curent. Motors “hotter” than 10 turns are not
Note: The unit will run relatively hot if the air temoerature is above 80 degrees or using a modified or “hot” stock motors.
5. You experience radio interference: You should make sure that the power wires do not cross the reciever antenna or servo wires or the antenna
has not been shortend or cut in any way. Mounting the reciever on its side (crystal side down) is advisable if mounting on graphite or aluminum..
6. Steering servo doew not move: Check the connection of the servo plug into the receiver and make sure is is plugged into channel #1.
7. The unit makes a very high-pittched noise but motor does not move: Check motor connecitons and condition, if motor is worn, then clean rebuild
or replace.
Other Conditions:
Other Conditions:
Other Conditions:
Other Conditions:
Other Conditions:
1. Motor must have noise filter capacitors attached.
2. When using other brands of radios, please check polarity of connector carefully.
3. Please take care as not to permit water or dust to enter the unit.
1. For best power transfer, solder direct to unit with no plugs. Plugs can be used for batteries; we recommend only high power plugs such as Deans
or Sermos Power Pole Connectors.
2. When using low turn modified motors; turn the current limiting dial down to 40-60Amps to control acceleration and make the vehicle more
3. Mount the HFX in a place that will allow sufficient airflow for cooling.