HITEC FunCopter V2 User Manual
Page 31

endangering yourself and others. Bear in mind that even the
best RC system in the world is subject to outside interference.
No matter how many years of accident-free flying you have
under your belt, you have no idea what will happen during the
next minute.
12. Transport
The set includes a rotor blade support designed to avoid damage
when transporting the FunCopter. Simply fold the rotor blades
back, push them into the two slots in the rotor blade support,
then push the bottom opening in the support over the tail boom.
The FunCopter is now in a compact form, and can be transported
All of us in the MULTIPLEX team hope you have many hours of
pleasure building and flying your new model.
MULTIPLEX Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG
Product development and maintenance
Klaus Michler
Repair notes:
The model is extremely robust - but accidents do happen. For
the purpose of possible repairs we have divided the helicopter
into five sub-assemblies:
1. Chassis and landing gear
2. Main rotor
3. Tail rotor
4. Tail boom
5. Fuselage
The graphic illustrations are designed to make it a simple matter
to dismantle and re-assemble each sub-assembly as required.
The following replacement parts are available:
Replacement parts
Tail rotor blades (pair)
# 22 3001
Main rotor shaft
# 22 3002
Blade holders, 5°
# 22 3003
Gear set
# 22 3004
Pushrod set
# 22 3005
Rotor head lever set
# 22 3006
Swashplate set
# 22 3007
Pitch-axis rocker set
# 22 3008
Servo output arm set
# 22 3009
Rotor head set
# 22 3010
Tail rotor shaft
# 22 3012
Tail boom set
# 22 3013
Tail rotor linkage set
# 22 3014
Tail rotor housing set
# 22 3015
Chassis set
# 22 3016
Skid holders (pair)
# 22 3017
Landing gear set
# 22 3018
Decal sheet
# 22 3019
Front fuselage fairing + glazing decals
# 22 3020
Rear fuselage fairing + tail panels
# 22 3021
Main rotor blades (pair)
# 22 3022
Adjustment wire (pair)
# 22 3023
Rotor blade support
# 22 3024
Washer, 7 Ø x 2 Ø x 0.3 mm (10 off)
# 22 3025
Rotor boss seperate
# 22 3026
Tail gear box with foam parts
# 22 3027
Main gear wheel set
# 22 3028
Tail gear wheel set
# 22 3029
Auxiliary rotor set
# 22 3050
Tailrotor center
# 22 3052
Outrunner E-motor Himax ZC6310-0250
# 33 3071
Tips for setting up the transmitter:
If you are using a programmable transmitter, we recommend the following settings:
You can use a simple fixed-wing model memory for the FunCopter, as this avoids unwanted mixers which affect the tail rotor. There is no need to use
a helicopter program.
For “pitch-axis” (“elevator”) and “roll-axis” (“aileron”) you may wish to apply Expo, Dual Rates or reduced travels, depending on the control response you
prefer with your FunCopter. For the tail rotor function you should only use Dual Rates or reduced travel in order to adjust the tail rotor response to suit
your flying style.
We have found it pleasant to fly the model using two flight phases: the first for hovering, where the FunCopter is trimmed out carefully so that it remains
virtually stationary in the air. The second flight phase is then set up with a small trim value for “forward pitch” (down-elevator). This gives the model a
constant tendency to fly forward, which makes circuit flying more comfortable.
We recommend the following values for MULTIPLEX systems:
Flight phase “Hover”
Flight phase “Circuit”
Pitch-axis (elevator)
Expo: 30%, Travel: 70%
Travel: 100%, Trim approx.
5% forward / down
Roll-axis (aileron)
Expo: 30%, Travel: 70%
Travel: 100%
Tail rotor (rudder)
Travel: 60%
Travel: 60%