HITEC Shark User Manual
Page 11

Residual risks
Even if the model is operated in the correct manner, and you observe all safety aspects, there is always a certain
residual risk.
For this reason it is mandatory to take out third-party liability insurance. If you join a club or fl ying association,
insurance is usually available or included in the annual fee. Make sure that your insurance cover is adequate (i.e.
that it covers powered model aircraft). Always keep your models and your radio control equipment in perfect order.
The following hazards may occur owing to the model’s construction and type:
l Injury caused by the propeller: you must keep well clear of the area around the propeller from the moment
that the battery is connected. Please bear in mind that objects in front of the propeller may be sucked into
it, and objects behind the propeller may be blown away by it. The model may start moving when the pro-
peller starts to turn. You must therefore position the model in such a way that it cannot move towards other
persons if the motor should unexpectedly start running. When you are carrying out adjustment work involv-
ing the running motor, you must ensure that the model is always held securely by an assistant.
l Crash caused by pilot error: this can happen even to the best of pilots, so it is essential to fl y exclusively in
a safe environment: an approved model fl ying site and suitable insurance are basic essentials.
l Crash caused by technical failure or unnoticed damage in transit or in the workshop. A thorough check of
the model before every fl ight is essential. However, you should also take into account at all times that ma-
terial failures can and do occur. Never fl y in a location where your model may damage or injure others.
l Keep within the stated operating limits. Excessively violent fl ying will weaken the airframe, and may result
in sudden material failure, or may cause the model to crash during a subsequent fl ight due to “creeping”
consequent damage.
l Fire hazard caused by electronic failure or malfunction. Store batteries safely, and always observe safety
notes which apply to the airborne electronic components, the battery and the battery charger. Protect all
electronic equipment from damp. Ensure that the speed controller and battery are adequately cooled.
The instructions which accompany our products must not be reproduced and / or published, in full or in part, in
print or any electronic medium, without the express written approval of Multiplex Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG.
Technical information SHARK
1070 mm
Overall length:
870 mm
All-up weight:
500 g
Total surface area:
19,5 dm²
Wing loading:
26 g/dm²
RC Functions:
rudder, elevator, motor, optional aileron
Flight time:
ca. 12 min (3S ~950Ah)
know that this is what you think. Always fl y in such a way that you do not endanger yourself or
others. Bear in mind that even the best RC system in the world is subject to outside interfer-
ence. No matter how many years of accident-free fl ying you have under your belt, you have
no idea what will happen in the next minute.