HITEC FunCub User Manual
Page 5

spars 50 / 51 and the spar joiners 30 / 31 in the right-hand
wing panel only.
Fig. 16
Allow the glue to set hard, then push the second set of spars
into the end of the spar joiners (don’t glue them!). Fit the left-
hand wing panel on the projecting spars and spar joiners and
check that the parts fit together neatly. When you are satisfied,
apply adhesive to the spar recess of the left-hand wing panel,
and glue the wing panel in place; take care to position the
parts accurately.
Fig. 17
13. Freeing the ailerons and landing flaps
The ailerons are an integral part of the wing panels 6 and 7;
release them by cutting along the recessed lines at both ends.
Move the ailerons up and down repeatedly to “free up” the
hinge lines, but take care not to over-stretch them - don’t sepa-
rate the ailerons from the wings!
If you intend using the landing flaps, release them in the same
way by cutting at both ends, then separate them from the wing
panels. Sand the cut lines smooth and flat.
Figs. 18 / 19
Position the flaps against the wings with the top and bottom
surfaces flush, and fix them in place temporarily using paper
masking tape. Check that the flaps still follow the wing airfoil
accurately. If you do not wish to fit working landing flaps, the
projecting part can simply be cut off.
Fig. 20
If you do wish to install working landing flaps, assemble the
six offset hinges from parts 41 and 42.
Spray a very thin coat of cyano activator (kicker) into the horn
recesses in the flaps, and allow it to air-dry for about sixty
seconds. The prepared hinges can now be glued in the
recesses in the landing flaps as shown.
Fig. 21
Insert the pivot barrels 43 in the holes of both aileron horns.
Fit the socket-head grubscrews 28 in the pivot barrels 43 using
the allen key 29.
Glue the horns 41+44 in the appropriate recesses in the
Fig. 22
14. Installing the aileron servos
Set the aileron servos to neutral (centre) from the transmitter,
then fit the output arms on them in such a way that the arms
project at 90° to one side of the case - 1 x left and 1 x right
(mirror-image pair).
Check that the servos are a snug sliding fit in the moulded-in
recesses in the wing panels 6 and 7; Note that the output shaft
should be towards the wing leading edge.
Depending on the type of servo you are using, you may find
that minor trimming is required to the servo recesses. The
servos can be secured with a drop of hot-melt glue or cyano
applied to the slots in the wings which accommodate the servo
mounting lugs: press the servos into the recesses immediately
after applying the glue, and apply another drop of adhesive to
each mounting lug if required for security.
15. Installing the aileron pushrods
Connect the pre-formed end of the aileron pushrods 45 to the
outermost hole in the servo output arm, and slip the plain end
through the swivel pushrod connectors attached to the aileron
horns. Hold the ailerons at neutral, and tighten the grubscrews
28 to clamp the pushrods in place.
16. Installing the landing flap servos
Set the flap servos to “neutral” from the transmitter. Fit the long
output arms on the servos in such a way that the levers are
positioned at 70° at the neutral position (see template in Fig.
23). The servos should form a mirror-image pair, i.e. one left,
one right. Cut out the template if required.
Connect the pre-formed end of the landing flap pushrods 46 to
the servo output arms at a distance of about 23 mm from the
servo shaft centre, and slip the plain end through the swivel
pushrod connectors 25. With the servos at centre, set the flaps
to the neutral position and tighten the grubscrews 28 to clamp
the pushrods in place.
Fig. 24
Once everything is correctly assembled, you can separate the
wing panels again by sliding them apart in the centre.
17. Aero-tow mechanism
The aero-tow mechanism 47 can be installed at any time.
The aero-tow unit should be glued in the recess in the right-
hand wing panel. Set the servo to “neutral” and fit the output
arm on the servo, facing directly forward. Connect the tow-
release pushrod 48 to the servo output arm, then bend it to the
shape shown and cut it to length. Secure the servo in the recess
in the underside of the wing with a little hot-melt glue or cyano.
Fig. 25
18. Trial assembly
Fit the wing panels together, place the wing on the fuselage,
and fix it in place using the two plastic screws 32. The projecting
areas on the underside of the wing centre section automatically
keep the wing in the correct position.
Fig. 26
19. Power set:
The model is designed for the MULTIPLEX FunCub power set,
Order No. 33 2649. The current drain with a 3S LiPo flight
battery and the standard propeller (supplied) is:
approx. 23 A
The power set consists of a Himax C 3516-0840 motor,
MULTIcont BL-30 S-BEC speed controller, 13 x 4” propeller,
propeller driver and spinner.
Fig. 27
20. Attaching the motor bulkhead to the motor mount
The motor sidethrust and downthrust can be adjusted in
conjunction with the motor mounts 37 and the motor bulkhead
38. The motor mounts are installed asymmetrically as
standard: when the four adjustment screws 39 are set flush,
the motor is positioned with maximum possible sidethrust
and no downthrust, which is our recommended basic setting.
These settings apply when looking at the motor bulkhead from
the tail.
Fig. 28
The grubscrews should project from the rear of the motor
bulkhead by the amounts stated below:
Upper left:
3.0 mm
Upper right:
3.0 mm
Lower left:
1.5 mm
Lower right:
1.5 mm
The screws should project by the stated values.
You will need to make minor adjustments during test-flying!