Musical objectives, The gryphon master tape collection, Design principles – Gryphon Legato Legacy User Manual
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Musical Objectives
While scientific method and
sophisticated technology play an
important role in our electronics
design work, at Gryphon we
never lose sight of the fact that
the keen ears of an experienced
listener are the most crucial “cal-
ibration tools.” Therefore, every
Gryphon product exists for one
simple purpose: to bring the user
closer in the never-ending quest
for a more natural and convinc-
ing musical illusion.
Every Gryphon design has been
built to cruise effortlessly through
even the most demanding musi-
cal passages, regardless of vol-
ume level, with a musical pres-
entation defined by supreme
articulation and immediacy, sub-
tle dynamic shading and razor-
sharp focus. Refinement and
delicacy are combined with
power and authority for a natu-
ral, involving listening experi-
The Gryphon Master
Tape Collection
In the Gryphon listening rooms,
we are fortunate to possess a
unique library of more than
1,000 original master tapes of
recordings made during the
Golden Age of studio engineer-
ing from 1956-1976.
Unlike conventional commercial
releases, our master tapes cap-
ture the dynamic contrasts and
subtle inner harmonic structure
of the musical event, forcing us
to work to a higher standard in
our efforts to maintain the integri-
ty of the original musical per-
Design Principles
With state of the art technical
equipment and some of the
finest minds in the audio engi-
neering field at our disposal, the
Gryphon brand name continues
to define the highest audiophile
standards of subjective and
technical performance.
The dual mono configuration
radically eliminates any possibil-
ity of crosstalk or other interfer-
ence between channels and pro-
vides infinite channel separation
which contributes to the ability to
create space, focus, depth and
Because the electrical power
coming out of your wall fluctu-
ates wildly in terms of voltage
and distortion, Gryphon incorpo-
rates heavily regulated multi-
stage power supplies that act as
effective mains conditioning fil-
ters. Displays and control circuits
are fed by a separate power sup-
ply to isolate any digital noise
artifacts and effectively prevent
them from contaminating the sig-
nal path.
Gryphon is located in beautiful tranquil sur-