Gryphon Athena User Manual
Page 6

While the printed circuit boards
in more conventional audio prod-
ucts utilize conductor tracks a
mere 35 um thick, Gryphon
employs at least 70 um traces of
the highest purity.
Beginning with our very first
product, “The Head Amp” all
Gryphon products have featured
extremely wide frequency band-
width, because the ability to
reproduce ultra-sonic frequen-
cies with no difficulty ensures lin-
ear phase across the audible fre-
quency range.
The implementation of circuits
with wideband frequency
response is a painstaking
endeavor in which the actual lay-
out and ground pattern of the PC
boards are crucial to the
achievement of superior sonic
performance with no loss of
inherent stability.
Wideband frequency response
ensures the high slew rate
essential to the realistic handling
of the ultra-fast transients which
routinely occur in live music and
is crucial in recreating the natu-
ral decay of musical instruments.
Wide bandwidth also improves
phase characteristics, for more
correct soundstaging and imag-
All Gryphon designs are realized
with an absolute minimum of
negative feedback, which when
present in large amounts can
actually increase TIM distortion.
All Gryphon preamplifiers are
designed with zero, or extremely
low, negative feedback.
Gryphon power amplifiers apply
negative feedback judiciously for
improved linearity and band-
Gryphon research into the detri-
mental effects of magnetically
induced distorted (MID) has led
to the elimination of magnetiz-
able materials wherever possi-
ble. To eliminate the effects of
stray magnetic fields, non-mag-
netic materials are employed
throughout, with the unavoidable
exception of the transformer
shield box.
The mechanical design of the
cabinet and assembly methods
are all carefully calculated to
ensure minimal resonance,
either through the use of
mechanically grounded high
mass or decoupling. Vibration-
sensitive components, capaci-
tors in particular, are thus guar-
anteed a non-resonant environ-
The heavy, thick chassis offers a
vibration-proof environment for
the sensitive electronics inside