Gryphon Colosseum User Manual
Page 7

AC Voltage
Your Gryphon unit is especially
made for the AC voltage of the
country to which it has been
shipped. If the voltage has been
changed, the warranty is void and
the product may be unsafe or mal-
Correct AC polarity contributes
greatly to optimum performance. If
you are not using a three-pin, non-
reversible power plug, please
experiment with the orientation of
the plug for optimum performance.
Burn-In and Warm-Up
Your Gryphon unit has been thor-
oughly tested and burned in
abefore shipping. Performance will
continue to improve during the first
40 – 50 hours of normal use. After
this period optimum performance
will be reached approximately 45
minutes after turn-on. With the
exception of Class A power ampli-
fiers, we recommend leaving your
Gryphon components powered up
at all times.
Balanced Connections
All Gryphon products use the inter-
national AES standard for balanced
1. Ground
2. Positive
3. Negative
We recommend the use of dedicat-
ed balanced cables. Avoid the use
of adaptors as they degrade per-
formance. Your Gryphon dealer has
a range of cables matching the per-
formance of the Colosseum.
Choice of Cables
Because your Colosseum is a high-
resolution Gryphon audio device, it
will immediately reveal the charac-
teristics and possible limitations of
the other components in your sys-
tem, as well as those of the inter-
connects and loudspeaker cables
used to connect your system.
Wiring should never be utilized as
"equalizers" to correct errors else-
where in the system. Instead, any
error should be corrected at the
source, so that interconnects and
loudspeaker cables can be selected
solely on the basis of sonic neutral-
ity. For this reason, we employ
Gryphon's own range of intercon-
nects and cables in every stage of
the design of every Gryphon prod-