Op e r at ion – Eskimo 6100 User Manual
Page 10
NOT E : Illus trations begin on page 3.
K now Your S now T hrower (F igure 5)
R ead this Instruction B ook and safety rules be-
fore operating the snow thrower. C ompare the
illustration with your snow thrower to familiarize
yourself with the location of various controls and
C rank A s s embly (2)-
C hanges the direction of
the discharge chute.
C hute Deflector (3)- C hanges the distance the
snow is thrown.
Dis charge C hute (4)- C hanges the direction the
snow is thrown.
A uger Drive L ever (5)- S tarts and stops
the auger which propels the snow thrower
Ignition K ey (8) - Must be inserted and turned
to the on position to start the engine.
R ecoil S tarter Handle(12)- Use to manually
start the engine.
C hoke C ontrol(14)- Use to start a cold engine.
How T o C ontrol
T he Dis charge Of T he S now
WA R NING : Never direct the dis -
charge of s now toward bys tanders .
WA R NING : A lways s top the engine
before unclogging the dis charge
chute or the auger hous ing and
before leaving the s now thrower
1. (F igure 5) Turn the crank as s embly (2) to
change the discharge direction of the snow.
2. (F igure 6) Loosen the wing knob (1) on the
chute deflector (2).
3. Move the chute deflector (2) up for more
distance or down for less distance.
4. Tighten the wing knob (1).
How T o T hrow S now
(F igure 5)
1. E ngage the auger drive lever (5)
2. To stop throwing snow, release the auger
drive lever (5)
WA R NING : T he operation of any
s now thrower can res ult in
foreign objects being thrown
into the eyes , which can res ult in
s evere eye damage.Always wear s afety
glas s es or eye s hields while operating
the s now thrower .We recommend
s tandard s afety glas s es or us e a wide
vis ion s afety mas k over your glas s es .
How T o S top Dis charging S now
(F igure 5)
1. To stop discharging snow, release the auger
drive lever (5)
2. To stop the engine, turn the ignition key (8)
to the off position.
How T o Move F orward (F igure 7)
1. Hold the auger drive lever (5) against the
handle (2). T he auger will begin rotating.
2. To go forward, raise the handle (2) to allow
the rubber auger blades (1) to contact the
ground. Maintain a firm hold on the handle
(2) as the snow thrower starts to move for-
ward. G uide the snow thrower by moving the
handle (2) either left or right. Do not attempt
to push the snow thrower with eccessive force.
3. To stop, release the auger drive lever (5)
NOT E : If the auger continues to rotate,
s ee “ How T o Adjus t The Auger C ontrol
C able” in the S ervice and Adjus tments
s ection.
B efore S tarting T he E ngine
1. B efore you service or start the engine, famil-
iarize yourself with the snow thrower. B e
sure you understand the function and loca-
tion of all controls.
2. Make sure that all fasteners are tight.
3. Make sure the fuel tank is filled with the cor-
rect gasoline .
5. B ecome familiar with the location of all con-
trols and understand their function.
6. Before starting the engine, make sure all
controls operate correctly
A dd T he F uel Mixture
WA R NING : F ollow the engine
manufacturer’s ins tructions for the
type of fuel and oil to us e. Always
us e a s afety fuel container. Do not s moke
when adding fuel to the engine. When
ins ide an enclos ure, do not fill the fuel
tank. B efore you add fuel,s top the engine.
L et the engine cool for s everal minutes .
(F igure 7) F ill the fuel tank (3) to the full posi-
tion with fresh, clean fuel.
How T o S top T he E ngine (F igure 5)
To stop the engine, turn the ignition key (8) to
the off position. K eep the ignition key (8) in a
safe place. T he engine will not start without the
ignition key (8)
How T o S tart A C old E ngine (F igure 5)
1. F ill the fuel tank with a fresh, clean fuel
2. Make sure the auger drive lever (5)
is in the disengaged (released) position.
3. Insert the ignition key (8) and turn to the on
4. Move the choke control (14) to the C HOKE
5. (R ecoil S tart) R apidly pull the recoil s tarter
handle (12). Do not allow the recoil s tarter
handle (12) to snap back. S lowly return the
recoil s tarter handle (12).
6. If the engine does not start in 5 or 6 tries,
S ee the “Trouble S hooting C hart” Instruc-
7. When the engine runs smoothly move the
choke control (14) to the R UN position.
4. Make sure the engine crank case is filled with
the correct amount and type of motor oil.