Hydraulics – EarthQuake W1265B User Manual

Page 9

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Operator's Manual

Trail Warrior Quick Split 12-Ton Log Splitters

Check for parts online at or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5




• Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly

after handling.

• Keep away from all sources of ignition.
Appearance: Clear and bright
Physical Form: Liquid
Odor: Characteristic petroleum

Potential Health Effects:
Contact may cause mild eye irritation including stinging,

watering, and redness.

Skin: Contact may cause mild skin irritation including redness,

and a burning sensation. Prolonged or repeated contact can

worsen irritation by causing drying and cracking of the skin

leading to dermatitis (inflammation). No harmful effects from

skin absorption are expected.

Inhalation (Breathing): No information available. Studies by other

exposure routes suggest a low degree of toxicity by inhalation.

Ingestion (Swallowing): No harmful effects expected from ingestion.
Signs and Symptoms: Effects of overexposure may include

irritation of the respiratory tract, irritation of the digestive

tract, nausea, diarrhea.

Cancer: Inadequate evidence available to evaluate the cancer

hazard of this material.

• Eye: If irritation or redness develops, move victim away from

exposure and into fresh air. Flush eyes with clean water. If

symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

• Skin: Remove contaminated shoes and clothing and cleanse af-

fected area(s) thoroughly by washing with mild soap and water. If

irritation or redness develops and persists, seek medical attention.

• Inhalation (Breathing): If respiratory symptoms develop, move

victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symp-

toms persist, seek medical attention. If victim is not breathing,

clear airway and immediately begin artificial respiration. If

breathing difficulties develop, oxygen should be administered

by qualified personnel. Seek immediate medical attention.

• Ingestion (Swallowing): First aid is not normally required; how-

ever, if swallowed and symptoms develop, seek medical attention.

• Notes to Physician: High-pressure hydrocarbon injection injuries

may produce substantial necrosis of underlying tissue despite an

innocuous appearing external wound. Often these injuries require

extensive emergency surgical debridement and all injuries should

be evaluated by a specialist in order to assess the extent of injury.

• Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: This material may burn,

but will not ignite readily. Vapors are heavier than air and can

accumulate in low areas. If container is not properly cooled,

it can rupture in the heat of a fire.

• Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam, or water

spray is recommended. Water or foam may cause frothing of ma-

terials heated above 212° F. Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen.

Use caution when applying carbon dioxide in confined spaces.

• Do not wear contaminated clothing or shoes. Use good personal

hygiene practices.

• "Empty" containers retain residue and may be dangerous. Do

not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose

such containers to heat, flame, sparks, or other sources of igni-

tion. They may explode and cause injury or death. "Empty"

drums should be completely drained, properly bunged, and

promptly shipped to the supplier or a drum reconditioner. All

containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe

manner and in accordance with governmental regulations.

• High-pressure injection of hydrocarbon fuels, hydraulic oils or

greases under the skin may have serious consequences even

though no symptoms or injury may be apparent. This can hap-

pen accidentally when using high-pressure equipment such

as high-pressure grease guns, fuel injection apparatus or from

pinhole leaks in tubing of high pressure hydraulic oil equipment.

Storage: Keep container(s) tightly closed. Use and store this mate-

rial in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas away from heat and all sources

of ignition. Store only in approved containers. Keep away from any

incompatible material. Protect container(s) against physical damage.

The use of gloves impervious to the specific material han-

dled is advised to prevent skin contact and possible irritation

(see manufacturer's literature for information on permeability).

Eye/Face: approved eye protection to safeguard against po-

tential eye contact, irritation, or injury is recommended. De-

pending on conditions of use, a face shield may be necessary.

Other Protective Equipment: A source of clean water should

be available in the work area for flushing eyes and skin. Im-

pervious clothing should be worn as needed.

Suggestions for the use of specific protective materials are based

on readily available published data. Users should check with spe-

cific manufacturers to confirm the performance of their products.