DuraVent Ovalizing Flexible Liners User Manual
Page 4

M&G DuraVent's FasNSeal® Flex is a single
strip double layer super-ferritic stainless
steel for use with natural gas or propane
Categories II, III, and IV appliances or
Canada's Type BH Gas Vent Systems, having
a maximum rated operating temperature
of 480oF and a maximum positive pressure
of 6" water column. FasNSeal Flex is the
only flexible chimney liner listed to UL 1738
standard. DuraFlex® SW is a single, smooth
wall flexible relining system for masonry
chimney. Use with gas, wood pellet, oil or
wood appliances. Applications include:
fireplace inserts, furnaces, boilers and water
heaters. DuraFlex SW is listed to UL 1777 and
ULC S635. Ventinox® is a single-wall flexible
liner used for upgrading or restoring masonry
chimneys that vent Category I natural gas,
propane or oil appliances, wood or pellet
stoves, fireplaces and fireplace insert.
DuraFlex SW flexible lining system is listed
at 0" clearance for gas, oil, and pellet
applications. 1" clearance to masonry for
wood-burning applications. Insulation is
required for 0" clearance to masonry for
wood-burning. Ventinox VFT single-wall
flexible lining system is listed at 0" clearance
to masonry chimney for oil and gas. With
Thermix or ProFoil insulation 0" clearance
for solid fuels. Ventinox VG single-wall
flexible lining system is listed at 0" clearance
to masonry for gas appliances. Check with
your appliance manufacturer to see if larger
clearances are required. Do not fill any air
space clearances with insulation.
Before installation, check with your local
Building Official, Fire Official, or other
authority having jurisdiction regarding
permits, restrictions, and installation
inspections in your area.
90o Angle Grinder
Circle cutting Guide
Up-Cut Mill Bit
Ovalizing Machine
Tape Measure
Proper Gloves and Shoes
Eye Protection
Read through these installation instructions
before beginning your installation. A
properly listed installation is dependent
upon installing the vent in full compliance
with these installation instructions. Proper
planning for your flexible lining installation
will result in greater safety, efficiency, and
convenience, as well as saving time and
money. You must use only authorized
M&G DuraVent vent parts, or other parts
specifically authorized in these instructions
and listed by the appliance manufacturer in
order to maintain a safe, approved system.
Do not mix parts or try to match with other
products or use improvised solutions. Do not
install damaged or modified parts. Practice
good workmanship. Sloppy work could
jeopardize your vent’s safety. Keep electrical
wiring and building insulation away from
all chimneys and vents. When deciding the
location of your installation, try to avoid
modifications to structural components
of the building. If you have any questions,
contact either your dealer or M&G DuraVent
Refer to the appliance manufacturer for
the maximum and minimum allowed vent
runs for your specific appliance model,
including maximum number elbows allowed
in the system, and for the pressure drops
and equivalent length of the fittings. The
total vent length from the appliance to the
termination shall not be greater than what is
specified by the appliance manufacturer.