Dunkirk Q95M-200 Modulating Condensing Boiler User Manual
Page 7

Start boiler after completing all instructions in
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Start boiler by turning thermostat up to call for heat.
Once boiler has started and is operating, continue
startup procedure by performing all following steps to
set and verify operation of controls.
Set Space Heating Operation
Verify Space Heating Mode
A. Press “Mode” button until display shows [PARA].
This is parameter mode.
B. Press “Step” button until first digit of display shows
C. Last digit must show “1.” If any other number
displays, press “+” button until “1” shows in right-
hand digit, then press “Store” button to save this
Set space heating target temperature
A. Press “Step” button until first digit of display
shows “4.” Last three digits show outlet water
temperature setting.
B. Press “+” or “-” buttons to change setting to
desired outlet water temperature. Factory default
setting is 180°F.
• Outdoor sensor installed: Setting is target
temperature for outdoor temperature at or
below factory setting (32°F). At higher outside
temperatures, control module calculates target
• When summer/winter switch is used, closing
switch will disable boiler (space heating) circulator
during summer operation.
• Outdoor sensor not installed: Setting is target
temperature at all times.
C. Press “Store” button to save setting.
Check DHW Operation Setup
If control is already in parameter mode , skip step 1 (below)
and proceed to step 2.
Press “Mode” button until display shows [PARA]
(parameter mode).
Press “Step” button until first digit of display shows “2.”
Last digit must show “1.” If another number displays,
press “+” button until “1” shows in right-hand digit,
press “Store” button to save this setting.
Control module turns on DHW circulator when indirect
water heater operating control closes. Control module
shuts off boiler circulator (stops space heating) during
calls for DHW heating.
Verify Operation – Space Heating
Information below presented in brackets “[ ]” represents
actual boiler control panel display with first digit indicating
boiler status and last three digits showing measured boiler
water temperature. (Ex.- [A180] indicates status of “A” and
boiler water temperature of 180°F.)
Turn down DHW aquastat on DHW tank (if used). If
necessary, turn off power and remove one of DHW
aquastat wires to ensure boiler will not receive DHW
heat call.
Turn off power to boiler at service switch.
Wait few seconds, then turn on power to boiler.
• [180] Self-check on power-up for a few seconds.
• [0180] No call for heat.
Raise room thermostat to call for heat.
• [5180] Blower/boiler circulator on. Blower and boiler
circulator energize and control checks for air flow.
• [1180] Pre-purge. Blower speed will increase to ignition
speed. Blower will run in pre-purge for 10 seconds.
• [2180] Ignition. After pre-purge, control module opens
gas valve and starts ignition spark.
• If burner flame proves within 4.5 seconds, burner
continues to fire. Burner will fire at startup rate for
about 10 seconds to allow flame to stabilize.
• If burner flame does not prove within 4.5 seconds,
control module attempts ignition sequence again.
Flame must prove within 6 attempts or control will
lockout (display will show [E 02]).
• Verify flame failure operation by closing boiler manual
gas cock to prevent gas flow. Open manual gas valve
after testing.
• [3180] Burner on, space heating. Once flame is
proven and stable, burner turns down to low fire for
approximately 2 minutes.
• After this low fire period, burner is allowed to modulate.
Firing rate depends on actual outlet water temperature
versus target temperature.
Allow boiler to bring water temperature to target
• [6180] Target temperature reached. Burner shuts
down. Blower runs in post-purge (see below), then
turns off. Boiler circulator continues to run as long as
there is call for heat.
Lower room thermostat to stop call for heat.
Instructions in this manual are based on factory
default parameter settings.