Ssa affe ettyy ffe ea attu urre ess – Directed Electronics 881XP User Manual
Page 35

© 2 0 0 5 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s — a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d
2. The lights will flash 3 times.
3. The rear defogger output will once again activate when the
vehicle is remote started.
ettyy ffe
This system has several important safety features to ensure
proper operation of the motor and prevent accidental damage to
the engine or its components.
starter anti-grind circuitry
Whenever the vehicle is remote started, advanced anti-grind
circuitry prevents the starter from engaging, even if the key is
turned to the start position. This prevents damage to the starter
motor if the key is turned to the start position during remote
start operation.
note: Anti-grind circuitry only works when the remote
start system is operating the motor and the Failsafe®
Starter Kill relay is installed.
noottee:: If the remote start is on the lights will turn off
then flash 3-times before returning to their normal
output and the defogger output will activate as