Boardroom electrol, Installation – Da-Lite Boardroom Electrol User Manual

Page 3

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6. Remove switch assembly (boxed, located at pin end of fabric).

CAUTION! Do not cut wrapping paper or tape with knife or
any sharp tool. Remove by hand.

ATTENTION! Ne coupez pas le ruban adhésif sur la toile
avec un couteau ou un outil tranchant. Retirez à la main.

7. Pull orange string to remove wrapping paper.

8. Install electrical hook up that applies to your unit. Standard

installation is for a single 120VAC or 240VAC wall switch to
control the screen. Optional Control units may have been
ordered. Refer to additional instructions for the external VPI,
external low voltage control and SCB-100. Refer to the
appropriate wiring diagram for your screen.

NOTE: Screen has been internally wired at DA-LITE. Wiring
designated “external” is completed by installer conforming to
local and national codes.

9. Lower picture surface approximately 4"-6" so that the slat will

rest on top of the slat hooks. Guide slat past hooks by gently
pulling fabric forward (Fig. 3). Do not bend hooks.

10. Test installation by carefully running picture surface up and

down 2-3 times. Be prepared to stop screen. Standard Duty
Cycle: 1 MIN. ON / 3 MIN. OFF.

11. Run the picture surface upward. The surface door will

automatically close when the picture surface rolls into the
case. The ends of the slat will catch the two hooks on the
surface door and pull the door closed. When the door closes,

a limit switch is tripped and the motor shuts off.

CAUTION! Excessive continuous operation may cause

ATTENTION! Le fonctionnement continu et excessif peut
provoquer une surchauffe.

12. Run picture surface downward until picture surface

door fully opens.

13. Install junction box cover plate.

14. Close access door and reinstall screws at each end

of access door.

CAUTION! Do not attempt to restore a lost wrap by
adjusting limit switches. Allow one-eighth of an inch (1/8")
clearance around surface door. Make sure door does not
bind. Check hinges. Paint or tile cement will interfere with
free operation. Gravity drops door.

ATTENTION! N'essayez pas de réintégrer un tour de toile
en réglant les interrupteurs de limite! Laissez un espace
0,30 cm (1/8 po) autour de la trappe. Vérifiez que la
trappe n'est pas entravée. Vérifiez les gonds. La peinture
ou le ciment à tuile nuira au bon fonctionnement. La
gravité fait tomber la trappe.

15. Complete installation by painting and finishing to suit

your needs. Finish to allow access door to be removed
if necessary.

Boardroom Electrol



Figure 2