Features – ClassCo InTouch 5000 User Manual

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The InTouch 5000 has advanced Caller ID features that give you
more control over your incoming calls:

Identifies calls even when you’re surfing the Internet

Internet Call Waiting options to answer the call, send the
caller a message that you are on the Internet, or ignore the
call (sends the caller to voicemail if you subscribe to network
voicemail service.)

Identify the caller without interrupting what you’re doing.

Let you know when your friends, family, or people from work
are calling.

Let you know when it’s your children’s friends calling.

Store the name, number, date and time of 99 calls in a call log.

Let you review who called while you were away.

Find out who’s calling on call waiting

Dial back callers at the touch of a key

Delete the oldest call in the call log when a new call is re­
ceived when the call log is full.

Identifies when you have voicemail messages waiting (re­
quires voicemail service available from the telephone com­
pany. Compatible with FSK and SDT signaling.

You can program your unit to identify frequent callers by
audible categories: Friends, Family, Work, School, Don’t An­
swer, It’s for you (male and female voices), Dog Barking

* Some customers use these categories to identify their kid’s friends, or maybe a pesky salesman.