Aurora Audio GTM822-2GN User Manual

Aurora Audio Control panel

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GTM 822 Handbook

Congratulations on your purchase of a GTM 822 console. I feel confident that you
will find that its many features and great “vintage” sound will help you to make
great mixes and recordings.

Please read through this handbook first to familiarize yourself with the controls
and optimal operating procedures.

1. Connecting the unit to your power source

The GTM has a remote linear power supply set at 120v. If it is to be used on
240v, select this value on the switch on the power supply rear panel.
The ”power on” switch is also mounted on the power supply. It does the unit no
harm to be left on continuously, in much the same fashion as a vintage Neve


console. The VU and phase meters will light up when the unit is powered on.

2. Connecting the unit to your equipment

There are two sets of channel inputs to the unit…

a) The Channel XLR input connectors and
b) The 25 pin “D” style female connector

On each channel and on the monitor section is an illuminated blue push button
marked “TRACK”. When this switch is selected, the channels will be sourced
from the Channel XLR’s and it’s anticipated that these will be used with
microphone pre amplifiers and other sources used for the “tracking” mode of
recording, sending to the DAW/MT tape m/c via the channel output XLR’s or the
25 pin “D” output connector. Channels can be switched individually or globally.

If the “TRACK” switch is deselected then the channels are in default mix mode
and receive their input signals from the 25 pin “D” connector.

These D connectors are wired to standard workstation practice (see addendum
sheet #1)
and are anticipated to be connected to a digital workstation or multi-
track recording system.

This represents the “mix” mode of recording where multiple channels are
mixed down to stereo. In both modes the mix and cue/aux busses are accessible
and can be used to send signals to effects paths or cue headphones.

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