Denon POA-A1HDCI User Manual
Denon poa-a1hdci 10 channel amplifier review

Somebody forgot to tell the engineers
at Denon that just because you can build
a thing, doesn’t necessarily follow that you
must build that thing. The more familiar I
become with Denon flagship products, the
more I realize two things: Denon is always
the first to implement new technologies
without consideration if the end result is a
box that weighs and costs more than most
10 Channel Amplifier
Review by Gene DellaSala of
mere mortals can swing. Enter the new
POA-A1HDCI 10 channel amplifier whose
name may be forgettable but its momentous
stature isn’t. When I first saw the prototype
at CES two years ago, I remember thinking
I can’t believe they actually produced a
multi-channel amplifier that makes their
AVR-5805 flagship receiver feel envious.
Standing in at a hefty 132 lbs, it’s the largest
and heaviest amplifier I’ve ever tested.
When Denon shipped it to me with their
matching AVPA1-HDCI pre/pro on a large
palette, my wife was concerned where the
shipper was going to place it while I was
trying to figure out how I would hoist these
monsters up my flight of steps. The Denon
separates actually took priority in my garage
over my Acura TL, at least until I managed
to get them installed into my theater room.
I was more than a little excited to test out
the new Denon gear which I pegged as
being the hottest items to review in 2008.
Now that they had finally arrived, I wanted
to be sure they would live up to all the
hype and deliver true high end performance
one would expect from the very best
“separates” components.