ANSMANN 5107543 maxE Power Set User Manual

Page 3

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Plug in the charger to the mains. The charger starts automatically when one or

more cells are inserted into the charging slots. Always connect the cells in the

right direction for polarity (according to the symbols in the charging slots). The

cells do not have to be inserted simultaneously as the charging processes are

separate from each other.

tHe MaxiMuM cHarging tiMe fOr eMpty cells can Be calculated

witH fOllOwing fOrMula:

Charging time (h) = 1.4 (charging factor) x capacity (mAh)

charge current (mA)

Rechargeable batteries are not to be disposed of in domestic waste. Return used

batteries to your dealer or to a battery recycling collection point.

Maintenance and cleaning

To ensure correct functioning of the charger, keep the contacts of the base

station and the adaptor units free from dust and dirt. Do not attempt to open the

charger. Repairs should only be carried out by authorised service centres.