Terminals – Activision Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark User Manual

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Look for shop terminals as you play. You can use these terminals to equip Weapons,
T.E.C.H., Abilities, and Hacks that you’ve unlocked. You can also upgrade your Weapons
from these terminals. In Escalation Mode, unlocked items can be obtained at no cost.
Locked items can be purchased with Energon Shards.

• T.E.C.H. gives your character additional options during combat, including drones

that heal, enemy-seeking mines, XP boosts, and many more. Up to three T.E.C.H.
items may be equipped at once and each is consumed upon use. T.E.C.H. can
be used in both game modes, but must be purchased in Escalation mode with
Energon Shards.

• Abilities are used to change the Ability that your character uses in Escalation

mode. Only one may be equipped at a time.