Introduction – Activision Skylanders Giants User Manual

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Thousands of years ago a fearsome rogue giant
pirate named Captain Frightbeard was ravaging
Skylands, until he and his crew were locked
inside the Chest of Exile. Frightbeard has found
a way to escape from his exile, and is looking for
the Chest so he can free his fl eet and continue
his quest to rule Skylands!
It is time to unleash the power of the Skylanders
Giants, and embark on a journey through the
Skylands to fi nd the Chest of Exile before
Captain Frightbeard does!


1. Insert the Skylanders Giants™ Game Card into the Nintendo 3DS™

system Game Card slot as described in your Nintendo 3DS instruction manual.

2. Press the POWER Button to turn on the Nintendo 3DS.

3. Tap on Skylanders Giants on the Nintendo 3DS HOME Menu to

bring up the main title screen.

Note: The

Skylanders Giants Game Card is for the Nintendo 3DS system only.


Getting Started ..................................................................................................................3

Introduction .........................................................................................................................3

Portal of Power



Toy Save Feature ...............................................................................................................4

Gameplay Controls ...........................................................................................................5


Playing The Game .............................................................................................................7

Customer Support Documentation ............................................................................10

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