Shooting galleries view, Tips for gallery gameplay, Multiplayer – Activision Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012 User Manual

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shooTing galleries View

players - In Co-op or Versus play, each player has their own HUD . Player one
on the right Player two on the left .

CurrenT sCore - Your current score .

aTTempTs lefT - You start with 5 attempts in 2 player mode and 10 playing
solo . Every time you fail to meet the required checkpoint score you lose a token .

hero award - The player earns a multiplier for shooting several animals in a
row . The more hits in a row without missing the bigger the multiplier .

reTiCle - The on-screen reticle shows where you’re currently aiming . Also, the
reticle changes shape depending on the firearm you’re using .

Time remaining - Informs you of how much time you have until the next
checkpoint .

sCore needed - Informs you how many points are needed to clear the current
checkpoint .

rounds - You have unlimited ammunition in Gallery mode, but your rifle can only
hold 4 shots at a time . Your shotgun can hold only two shells .

Tips for gallery gameplay

• Use your shotgun for birds and your rifle for everything else. Using the wrong

firearm will not give you the full points for shooting the animal .

• Don’t shoot the Does! Shooting Does will dramatically reduce your score.
• Reload faster by using the pump action on the Top Shot Elite.
• Combos are needed for the highest scores. Each time you hit an animal without

missing, you gain a larger combo bonus - miss a shot and your combo ends!


Multiplayer gameplay is available in Gallery mode as either 2 player simultaneous
or up to 4 player hot seat .

Versus - For 2 players, Versus Multiplayer allows you to go head to head with a
friend at the same time using two controllers .

hoT seaT - For 2-4 players, Hot Seat Multiplayer lets you take turns with up to 3
of your friends using the same controller .

Hero Award

Current Score

Attempts left






