Activision Amazing Spider-Man 2 User Manual

Page 2

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Press the hOMe ButtOn while the GAMe is runninG, then select

tO view the

electrOnic MAnuAl.

PleAse cAreFullY reAD the wii u™ OPerAtiOns MAnuAl cOMPletelY BeFOre usinG
YOur wii u hArDwAre sYsteM, Disc Or AccessOrY. this MAnuAl cOntAins iMPOrtAnt
heAlth AnD sAFetY inFOrMAtiOn.

iMPOrtAnt sAFetY inFOrMAtiOn: reAD the FOllOwinG wArninGs BeFOre YOu Or YOur
chilD PlAY viDeO GAMes.

• Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or

patterns, and this may occur while they are watching TV or playing video games, even if they have
never had a seizure before.

• Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic

condition should consult a doctor before playing a video game.

• Parents should watch their children play video games. Stop playing and consult a doctor if you or

your child has any of the following symptoms:


Eye or muscle twitching

Altered vision

Loss of awareness

Involuntary movements Disorientation

• To reduce the likelihood of a seizure when playing video games:

1. Sit or stand as far from the screen as possible.
2. Play video games on the smallest available television screen.
3. Do not play if you are tired or need sleep.
4. Play in a well-lit room.
5. Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour.

Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt. Follow these instructions to
avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain:

• Avoid excessive play. Parents should monitor their children for appropriate play.
• Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don’t think you need it.
• If your hands, wrists, arms or eyes become tired or sore while playing, or if you feel symptoms such

as tingling, numbness, burning or stiffness, stop and rest for several hours before playing again.

• If you continue to have any of the above symptoms or other discomfort during or after

play, stop playing and see a doctor.

Playing video games can cause motion sickness in some players. If you or your child feel dizzy
or nauseous when playing video games, stop playing and rest. Do not drive or engage in other
demanding activity until you feel better.





This game is not designed for use with any unauthorized device. Use of any such device will invalidate
your Nintendo product warranty. Copying and/or distribution of any Nintendo game is illegal and is
strictly prohibited by intellectual property laws.