Headsǖup display ǔhudǔ, Web rush, Ac e b d – Activision Amazing Spider-Man User Manual

Page 6

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A. EXPERIENCE BAR: Shows experience gains from successfully completing

combat and objectives.

B. COMBO COUNTER: Counts the number of consecutive hits in the current

combo. Sustaining damage resets the counter.

C. TECH PIECES: Shows collected tech pieces gained from collectibles and combat.

D. PLAYER HEALTH: When the player takes damage, the edges of the screen will

become increasingly red. Web-Retreat and hide in the shadows to regain health.

E. WEB RUSH INDICATORS: Appear yellow, purple, red, blue, or green to indicate

the type of Web Rush action that will be performed.


Web Rush can be engaged by pressing and holding the R Button. Time will
slow down and the player will see Web Rush indicators showing the diff erent
Web Rush actions that can be performed in the area. Highlighting a Web Rush
indicator and releasing the R Button will cause the player to perform the action
associated with the Web Rush icon that was highlighted. You can also tap the
R Button, which will Web Rush to the indicator nearest to the center of the

YELLOW: Denotes a location the player can Web Rush to.

PURPLE: Indicates that a Stealth Takedown can be performed.

RED: Shows that a Web Rush attack can be per formed.

BLUE: Allows the player to Web Rush to an interactive object in a level.

GREEN: Allows the player to Web Rush to an interactive object, or activates a
challenge in Manhattan.