2 file descriptions, Lcd control module, Gpio and watchdog – Acrosser AR-R5800A User Manual
Page 33: File descriptions
AR-B5800 User Manual
4.2 File Descriptions
LCD Control Module
On Linux platform:
1. lcmdemo.c
This file is the source code of the demo program. This program displays the user interface, processes
user’s input, and invokes LCM APIs to demonstrates the functions of LCM.
2. lcm.c
This file includes the hardware independent implementation of LCM APIs. All the APIs in this file
invoke the hardware dependent functions ‘InitSerialPort( )’, ‘WriteSerial( )’, ‘ReadSerial( )’ and
‘CloseSerialPort( )’ for accessing the serial port
3. lcm.h
This file includes the declarations and macro definitions needed by lcm.c.
4. serialport.c
This file includes the hardware dependent implementation of ‘InitSerialPort( )’, ‘WriteSerial( )’,
‘ReadSerial( )’ and ‘CloseSerialPort( )’ for accessing the serial port.
5. serialport.h
This file includes the declarations and macro definitions needed by serialport.c.
6. Makefile
This is the instruction script for GNU make system.
On Window platform:
1. LCM.cpp
The source code of the LCM demo program.
2. AR-B5800.h
The header of the APIs.
3. AR-B5800.lib and AR-B5800.dll
The API libraries.
GPIO and Watchdog
On Linux platform: