Dodge 2005 LX Magnum User Manual

Page 297

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The warning words “DO NOT OPEN HOT” on

the coolant pressure cap are a safety precaution.
Never add coolant to the cooling system when the
engine is overheated. Do not loosen or remove the
coolant pressure cap to cool an overheated engine.
Heat causes pressure to build up in the cooling
system. To prevent scalding or injury, do not
remove the coolant pressure cap while the system
is hot or under pressure.

Do not use a pressure cap other than the one

specified for your vehicle. Personal injury or
engine damage may result.

Disposal of Used Engine Coolant
Used ethylene glycol based engine coolant is a regulated
substance requiring proper disposal. Check with your
local authorities to determine the disposal rules for your
community. To prevent ingestion by animals or children
do not store ethylene glycol based engine coolant in open
containers or allow it to remain in puddles on the

ground. If ingested by a child, contact a physician
immediately. Clean up any ground spills immediately.

Coolant Level
The coolant bottle provides a quick visual method for
determining that the coolant level is adequate. With the
engine off and cold, the coolant level should be between
the ranges indicated on the bottle. Some darkening of the
coolant bottle will occur over time. This is normal.

When additional coolant is needed to maintain the
proper level, it should be added to the coolant bottle. Do
not overfill. See your authorized dealer to properly fill
the cooling system.

Points to Remember


When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles of

operation, you may observe vapor coming from the front
of the engine compartment. This is normally a result of
moisture from rain, snow, or high humidity accumulat-
ing on the radiator and being vaporized when the
thermostat opens, allowing hot coolant to enter the




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