Associated Equipment 6068 User Manual


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¿ 1 M u l t i - B a t t e r y C h a r g e r s



I s o l a t e d t r a n s f o r m e r f o r

s a f e t y

M o d e l s 6 0 6 5 a n d 6 0 6 8 a r e

U L l i s t e d

C i r c u i t b r e a k e r p r o t e c t i o n

M o u n t s o n w a l l o r b e n c h

M a d e i n U S A

M o d e l 6 0 7 8 , P a r a l l e l

C h a r g e r a v a i l a b l e i n

y ^ 2 3 0 V A C , 5 0 / 6 0 H z


M o d e l 6 0 6 8
P a r a l l e l C h a r g e r

Charges up to 36 batteries, in
parallel, in less than 24 hours.
Can be wall-mounted or on a
stationary bench. 16 charge
rates for precise charging.
Each battery accepts charge
required,depending on size,
state of charge and temperature.
Engineered so that an initial
high charge rate tapers down to
a safe finishing level. Isolated
transformer and a heavy-duty
diode rectifier with deep reserve
capacity are standard features.
Digital voltmeter and ammeter
Improve accuracy and
reliability. Use Model 6075 bus
bar sets as needed.






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M o d e l 6 0 6 5 P a r a l l e l C h a r g e r

Charges 1 to 10 batteries, in parallel. In less than 24 hours.
UL listed. 16 charge rates for precise charging. Patented
multi-diode rectifier with deep reserve capacity. Use Model
6075 bus bar that includes 10 pairs of charging leads.








M o d e l 6 0 7 5 B u s B a r

Bus Bar set for parallel charging. Ten battery capacity.
Use one or combine additional bars for added capacity.
Insulated fiberglass backboard with 10 pairs DC
charging leads, 10 gauge, 36” long with 300 Amp
Insulated safety clamps. Comes with three-foot 4 AWG
cables to connect to charger or additional bus bars.

M o d e l 6 0 8 6 B a t t e r y C h a r g i n g R a c k

Battery charging rack stores up to 15 batteries.
Convenient three-shelf, heavy-gauge steel construction
rack with 10 pairs of charging leads. Insulated storage
bars and connections ensure there are no live electrical
connections. Shelves have durable 1/8” polypropylene
sheet to protect from damage and are acid resistant.
-Storage rack only. Model 6089

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