Troubleshooting – Cuisinart CJE-1000 User Manual
Page 6

• Citrus fruit juice is delicious and creamy, plus it is more nutrient rich than citrus juice that is manually
• If cucumbers are waxy, peel them before you juice them.
• When juicing, softer ingredients should be juiced before the harder ones. As a rule, softer ingredients
should be juiced at the low speed, while harder ingredients are juiced on higher speeds (refer to Juicing
Chart, page 7).
• When juicing herbs or leafy greens, juice them in the middle of a combination of ingredients in order to
extract the greatest amount of juice.
• Use your taste to guide you on fruit and vegetable combinations for juices. The recipes provided are a
guideline, but the possibilities are endless. Experiment to see what your favorite combinations are.
• Carrots make a great and tasty base for vegetable juices, and apples do the same for fruit juices.
• Beets and carrots both have naturally high sugar content, so when added to vegetable juices they balance
out any bitter flavors juiced vegetables may have.
• Use your juice extractor in tandem with your blender. Blend fresh juices with ingredients like bananas,
yogurt, and protein powders for delicious power smoothies.
• It is also possible to make a healthier, fresher version of your favorite cocktail with fresh juices.
• Blend fruit juices with sparkling water or seltzer to make a natural soda.
• The pulp that is separated from the juice has its own health benefits. It is high in fiber and can be used in
a variety of ways. See our recipes as guides on how you can incorporate the fibrous pulp into your diet.
Juice extractor does not
turn on
The handle safety lock is not engaged. (See Assembly Instructions page 4.)
Press On/Off button to start juicing.
decreased juice rate
Make sure the spout is opened all the way.
Excess pulp in filter basket can slow juice rate. Stop the juice extractor
and clean filter basket.
handle lock is not
Make sure that lock is fully opened by pushing down on the locking tab.
Position your finger on the raised lines on the locking tab and press closed.